RESOLVED! (sort of) Can't get into "Mastering" mode

Tom H

New Member
Jan 4, 2018
Gear owned
Tascam DP24
I posted an earlier thread about being unable to exit Mastering mode.

Now I am unable to get in to Mastering mode. I recorded 6 tracks of a song and press the Mastering button and nothing happens. I powered down and back up- no change. Powered down, removed and replaced the SD card and powered back up- no change. Any suggestions? Is it likely an SD card error?

I do have a new card that I have not yet tried. One that Mark recommended in the prior thread. Is there a way I can transfer the data from my current card onto that card? I'd like to keep all those tracks I labored over. Can I just copy and paste the data using my computer?

Thanks for your thoughts.
A little follow up. I formatted the new card (full format- took forever!) and copied the contents of the Music folder from the old card. The songs are there and will play in multi track mode but I cannot get into Mixdown/Master mode still... Is my unit toast?
The only way to prove it is to start with a fresh song - your old Music contents may have been corrupted. Do a factory initialise, create a new song, arm any track, press record and leave it a few seconds then stop. Then see if the Mixdown/Mastering button works. If it doesn't go into Mixdown mode then it sounds serious... last resort would be to start again with a fresh format (it does take a long time for 32GB cards!) and try the above before copying your old Music folder over.
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It may be a word problem for me, not hardware for you...

Your post above SUGGESTS that you are trying to master six individual tracks, and not a single mixed track.

Matt B
Thanks Phil, I will try that. And report back. And Matt, I'm trying to mix down, but I'm unable to engage that mode or screen or whatever...
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The only "user error" situation that would keep you from entering Mixdown mode is having the mixer screen or the effects screen open. So if you're on the multi-track screen and can't go into Mixdown mode, and you've tried the other suggestions with no joy, unfortunately it may turn out to be a hardware issue with the button.
Well, all suggestions followed and same symptoms. So I think it's probably hosed. Might try flashing the ROM (or whatever) to see what happens.

A further intriguing development. When I push the Equalizer button the equalizer screen comes on but only briefly before disappearing. Is that normal? Seems wrong..
The brief display is normal. All the knobs in that cluster behave the same way. It's a quick way of changing things without opening the Mixer screen... this is the method you have to use during some operations like recording as the machine won't let you open the screen. You must select the required track (via Select button) or input (via Source button) first though, otherwise the controls may affect the wrong item.
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OMFG! Forgive my French. I updated the firmware- no change. Then, in frustration I pounded on the Mixdown/Master button a few times and IT ENGAGED! Short version: It still works but I have to push on it *much* harder than any other button on the unit. So, it is working for now but I worry that it may be a progressing mechanical failure in the making. Thanks for all the help. I'll post the song I was working on down below in the appropriate forum. "Fever Dream" it's called.
Hmmm, thanks. Would you suggest a little disassembly to get at the inner workings, or just try to work it in around the periphery of the button?
Hey Tom --

That's a good question. I have not yet had the need to use Deoxit on my DP (lots of other stuff though - it's a good product). But I'm pretty sure others have shared their success here - so maybe somebody else can chime in with advice on that.

Might be useful to do a search or start a new thread about that.

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