Farewell Dear Friend (DM)

Peter Batah

Feb 9, 2017
Montreal, Canada
Gear owned
DM4800 / MU1000
Hello all. There is a possibility that I may have to part with my beloved companion (DM-4800) and the Argosy Series 70 that it sits in.

I did not think that this day would come but my wife and I have decided to downsize. That means moving out of our three storey single family dwelling and settling into a 2 bedroom condo.

Yes, quite the change I know. I was hoping to get your feedback in regard to what I could fetch for the DM, desk, and 2seemy card.

As always I value your time and guidance. Have a wonderful day brothers.
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'Fraid I can't shed much light on what your gear would fetch...

BUT - I can relate to the attachment one develops for long-/well-serving gear, and how hard it can be to let it go. I've been through that with both gear and instruments, including some I still wake up at night thinking about...AND have gear that I can't bear to let go, and still have room for...

I occasionally ponder what my music/recording life would be like if I had to 'down-size' - either modestly or drastically - and realize that I'd pretty much have to completely re-make my gear array and recording setup. There's the possibility that I'd have to go with an interface/DAW setup, to keep it small...or perhaps my trusty ol' BR-800 would be part of the picture.

In any case: good luck - with the down-sizing, and with passing your gear on to a new studio wizard/witch!
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@shredd Thank you so much for chiming in. It's almost like going back to the drawing board in my humble opinion. What's that saying: The devil you know. We have come to a point in our lives where comprimises will have to be made. We actually considered a three bedroom but taking on the extra expense so that I can squeeze the Desk and mixer into that extra space doesn't make much sense. If I were doing this for a living then we would certainly be having a different conversation, trust me. Have a great day / evening. Peter
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considered a three bedroom but taking on the extra expense
Yup...I can empathize...where I live, the housing shortage (and accompanying astronomical costs) is probably one of the few places outside of London or Hong Kong that's worse than Canada!!!😲

Despite saving for retirement my entire adult life, I fully expect to retire in a box under a bridge, luxuriating in my diet of saltines and premium cat food.

And that's IF our new Reich doesn't 'escort' me to the elon memorial Soylent Green center...the only reason they haven't YET is that I pay taxes...😠
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hi Peter, I’ve seen DM’s move pretty quickly online on eBay and reverb for between 600 to thousand dollars USD, depending on their condition, whether they have a meter bridge included, if there is a 2seemy, and on the card formats.

And do your absolute best to avoid shipping it.

Your new living situation definitely recommends a different technology for mixing, and I know it can be really difficult to adjust to having to move off an obsolete or non-functional piece of gear on which you fundamentally relied. The good news is there are lots of mixing alternatives to take up a much smaller footprint that you can explore, and learning those new technologies will be another gear exploration chapter for you to enjoy.

And honestly, while I think the general state of audio gear is becoming more and more oriented towards a less professional, less capable standard as time passes (the DM series epitomized the peak of prosumer imho), many of today’s choices are indeed a lot cheaper that still deliver an acceptable level of quality,

Make music, choose the next person to get your board, and the cycle continues… i am hoping you quickly find new momentum and a creative spark in your next mixing space.
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@Peter Batah not even owning a DM console, I have enjoyed reading your posts over the years and your massive contributions to the community. It's a shame that it has to end like this.
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@-mjk- Greetings M. It certainly has been a while and I do miss our online interactions. I trust that this message finds you and your Family well. One of the things that I will miss as much if not more than parting with the DM will be my daily visit(s) to this amazing forum. A day hasn't gone by where I haven't checked in. Like a day without sunshine, right?

I find that as I age there are fewer and fewer things that mean a great deal. Except my lovely wife and three beautiful daughters of course. Over the years this forum has become one of those great deals as far as I'm concerned.

Whichever way things end up for me don't be surprised if you see me back here picking your brain(s).

Thank you so much for the kind words Brother. It means the world to me. Stay safe. Peter
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Hey Peter, you parting with the DM is understandable, the way you describe it, but also sad..

I have no clue what the DM would do in the used gear market, but I'm sure someone could be very happy with it, even in 2025.

I hope to keep seeing you around these parts, if only to share your knowledge. You may part with the DM, but the DM will not part with you;) Thank you in any case for the participation and help here, and don't be a stranger!
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@mixerizer Thank you so much for taking the time to offer up your valuable input. I really appreciate it.

Small footprint will have to be a major consideration I'm afraid. What is it they say: Good things come in small packages.

As you eluded to, perhaps paying it forward may soften the blow.
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@Arjan P After giving it some thought I now wonder if my son-in-law would be interested in building his future basement project studio around the DM. Of course the space that the DM and the Argosy Series 70 desk occupy is always somewhat of a concern. If / when the move should happen I plan on looking at what Tascam has to offer in the way of a new mixer with a smaller footprint. I am not sure but I bellieve that @-mjk- may have switched to a Behringer as well. I would have to reach out to him.

Wherever my journey takes me I don't see how I could not keep visiting the forum. There are a handful of members who I have developed a lasting relationship with (including yourself of course). That will always stay me with. I appreciate the patience and assistance that you afforded me over the years. It is immensely appreciated. Thank you
I've definitely been down the journey of letting trusted gear go be it downsizing or transitioning, and it can be bittersweet at best, especially when you have attachment and a workflow around it. It's kind of my story at this point in life...I went from a M3700 to an Alesis X2, to a DM-4800 (I'm the same person in video on the Aux Tutorial video pinned on this forum), to a Digidesign ProControl (transitioning into feature film audio-post), to a vintage Wheatstone MTX-80 (at nearly 8' long) with a set of Avid Artist surfaces....to now after downsizing and relocating my space into my house from the commercial property being sold. Now, after finding an eBay deal for a DM3200, I've gotten back in, trying to utilize some of the old gear I have collecting dust and couldn't pay people to take off my hands. I say that, to say that I feel what you are going through.

I think that paying it forward may be a good path forward, especially if your family can use and incorporate it. That not only helps them, but also continues a legacy of the desk and you will be an arms length away.

If you do sell it, you may look to part it out...I've been one in the past weeks picking up spares available on eBay of various boards/cables...or even sell the console and desk separate as you may be able to make more that way if you have two different buyers, or your SIL's space won't fit the desk...you can always find those that want an Argosy desk for their different console or control surface. Those are options...but definitely don't ship it, unless they are parts, because I can imagine that would be almost as much to pack and ship as you would sell it for.

As for future consoles, you have an immense world of choices for you, depending on what you need. I have an OG Behringer X-32 and with the option cards available opens a different set of formats, be it Dante, MADI, or SoundGrid. There's also the WING as an option from Behringer, not to mention the different footprints they have as options. There's also the digital console flavors of PreSonus, Mackie, Yamaha, Soundcraft, Allen & Heath, etc.

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