New user totally lost PLEASE HELP

yes i know, it's just that most interfaces specifically say toslink when it come to stereo channels like from my foster D5 DAT.
I'm going to have to shift the whole studio around because my ADAT cables are not long enough.
man will it ever end.
Might be less grief to buy longer optical cables ??
Hey guys.
Here is an update of my experience with the MX2424se.
The external drive i got from the ebay seller works fine.
All channels went into record mode once i got it hooked up.
The toslink signal from the DAT recorder does not work.
This unit dos not accept stereo toslink.
The Motu 24ao interface i have must be manually switched from ADAT to TOSlink but on the MX there is no TOSlink Switching.
It does not matter because my Fostex D5 has AES/EBU so i can use that on the MX.
The Motu 24ao sent the ADAT out to the MX with no problem once i adjusted the routing to ADAT on the motu routing page.
So now i know everything works and can develop a workflow to use it as a AD for my motu interface.
Thank you to all who answered my call for help.
The only toslink connectors are for ADAT use only. If you want stereo it has phono for spi/dif or AES/EBU.

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