DP-24 Pops and Clicks

Stickman, stay tuned with news from Redbus the Tascam engineer,they are doing a QA for a firmware upgrade that resolves the pops/clicks plague at 24 bit/44.1; my two DP24's are currently at their repair tech service center.
On my DP-32, I use a SanDisk Extreme 32Gb, class 10, 45mb/s, this is very important, because the speed of the card has a direct relationship with the flow of data being written to it, if the card is too slow to write the data coming from the DP, the results are clicks, pops, possible crashes, all kinds of CHAOS.

Jimi Jones
No CHAOS, unless its ORGANIZED.
Those are the same SD cards as I use. They do need to be reformatted in the Tascam occasionally, or they'll develop errors, but they've been very reliable overall.
Jimi, I use the SanDisk ExtremePro which has 95MB read/write speed; unfortunately that disk and others failed to solve the 24bit/44.1k pops/clicks problem; my two DP24's await the return from the TEAC/Tascam service dept. Chaos and entropy abounds
Wow, I'm totally surprised by that, I also use the SanDisk Extreme 32Gb 95mb/s in my Tascam DA-3000 for mixdown, but the 32Gb 45mb/s in my DP-32 works fine, I record solely at 24bit/48khz, never one pop or click, to be honest I've never tried any of the other recording options, I've always recorded at 24bit/48khz, well nevertheless I hope you have very good fortune with your returned units.
How does one get a firmware update (when available, as per above discussion)? Who to contact, how to load it in the recorder? I have a DP32SD (no CDR). Thx.
Chris, when firmware updates are released, you can get them directly at the product page on the Tascam website - here, bookmark this link - and you'll see it at the bottom of the page, where the manuals are now.

There will be a PDF file called Release Notes - download that as well. It has all the updates and fixes included in the new firmware, along with step by step instructions on how to upgrade your machine, and it's very easy to do.
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Thx Bobv55! And thanks all who contributed to this thread--great info here.
Jos, I think the answer appears to be "wait for the firmware update". However, while we wait, in my experience, StickmanFresno.com up thread had the interim solution right:

  • All songs 16 bit at 44.1 Mhz - no problems
  • All songs 24 bit at "48" Mhz - no problems

It seems it's just the 24/44.1 setting which is a problem and a systemic issue--it needs solving via firmware, as Redbus (Tascam) says above.

Hoping to get the update soon, but grateful for noise free 24 bit recording now. Thanks again to those who contributed to this thread. Others?

My two DP24's has been returned from the tascam service dept; I and others await for the firmware 24 bit pop/click fix. Glad after 7 months of forum post on this problem that Tascam is making the fix. I can confirm the 16bit 44.1/48k works; for me the 24bit @ 48 setting had an intermittent pop/click but not as chronic as the 24bit/44.1 setting. I wait for the firmware download
No fix, I requested my DP24's to be returned because it was unknown when the firmware upgrade to fix the pop/click will be ready. I had sent my DP's to the Service Dept a few days prior to the confirmation that the resolution is the firmware; so I record at 16bit till the fix. You were right Roundhill to call it a firmware problem. (there was only one forum member who adamantly disagreed with you) Too bad the response to the firmware solution was tardy.
Hello Dennis FMRjE,

Sorry to hear about your DP issues concerning the pops and clicks, however I'm one who also disagrees with the sole answer of your issue being only the firmware, reasoning is because firmware is software that's controlling the hardware, and contains features within itself as well, if it was simply a firmware issue, then everyone with the same firmware version would have the same problem as you're having, however this is not the case, because some people on this forum have the same firmware as you, and are not experiencing the same issues, even though there are some people who are experiencing the same issues as well as yourself, I would just for kicks try a previous firmware, and if that didn't work, then simply go back to the firmware you have now, it wouldn't hurt, but since the original DP-24/32 is now discontinued, who knows when and if Tascam will ever create a new firmware release, it would be nice for them to continue to support the original DP-24/32, but after they dismantled and demolished it and created the DP-24/32SD in its place, I'm not holding my breath, I'm actually waiting to see what Tascam will come out with that will replace the DP-24/32SD, I personally think you could have more of a hardware issue, because again not everyone with the same firmware is exhibiting the same behavior as your unit, in any regards good luck to you, I wish you the best.

Jimi Jones
Jimi, thanks for your import; the best reply I have is from the Tascam engineer Red Bus who posted previously that it is a firmware solution. An enlighten one knows the truth but I wait.
Hello Dennis FMRjE,

I understand, I won't get into anything with Tascam's service reps, I've had my share with them over the years, beginning with a DM-3200 mixer, that I had to send back twice, and they still didn't get it right, however they finally did give me a brand new one that still works today, so I hope everything works out for you though.

Jimi Jones
If RedBus is on the job then you're in good hands. Sounds like he and the team have isolated the problem and the specific conditions that cause it. Wait for the next firmware update and use his workaround until then...
Almost done with testing on the new firmware. A user who called Customer Support last week had found a new minor problem that we were previously unaware of, so delayed for a few days to get that fix in there too.
It's usually not the case, but this time having some units sent in for inspection let us see the actual files that the user had in their project, and we could spot what was going wrong, where previously we couldn't reproduce the problem from verbal descriptions alone.
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Thanks so much for the update, RedBus! That's great news, and I'll be watching for the update on the downloads section of the product page!
RedBus is THE man!!!

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