Hello Dennis FMRjE,
Sorry to hear about your DP issues concerning the pops and clicks, however I'm one who also disagrees with the sole answer of your issue being only the firmware, reasoning is because firmware is software that's controlling the hardware, and contains features within itself as well, if it was simply a firmware issue, then everyone with the same firmware version would have the same problem as you're having, however this is not the case, because some people on this forum have the same firmware as you, and are not experiencing the same issues, even though there are some people who are experiencing the same issues as well as yourself, I would just for kicks try a previous firmware, and if that didn't work, then simply go back to the firmware you have now, it wouldn't hurt, but since the original DP-24/32 is now discontinued, who knows when and if Tascam will ever create a new firmware release, it would be nice for them to continue to support the original DP-24/32, but after they dismantled and demolished it and created the DP-24/32SD in its place, I'm not holding my breath, I'm actually waiting to see what Tascam will come out with that will replace the DP-24/32SD, I personally think you could have more of a hardware issue, because again not everyone with the same firmware is exhibiting the same behavior as your unit, in any regards good luck to you, I wish you the best.
Jimi Jones