Good morning Bob, listened to Tell Me, and while I could hear a definite difference between the live drummer, and the BB, it was mostly the Crash, snare, and kick. The drummer tends to be a bit more constrained as far as being more of a Charlie Watts than the more busy beats that are in Martin's Love,( which I like the ideas he expressed in that tune, too bad everyone doesn't think like that!). But I believe with a little more bottom in the kick, and a bit more POP in the snare, the BB would be virtually impossible for the average listener to tell that it's not a "Real drummer". What kind of amp are you using for the guitar, and I'm hoping you are getting the bass tones by plugging into H, with no amp? I say that just to make my life a bit easier, as I don't have a bass amp, and wouldn't subject my Reeves, and the wonderful Weber Thames Ceramic speakers to a signal that low! We need to exchange emails, or if you have Messenger, we could chat there. I think the moderator is going to get a little upset if we keep this conversation going too much longer, Haha. Last questions on the beat buddy. Can you assign the individual drums to one side or the other, and does it have any kind of MIDI clock to sync to say, a guitar track recorded to a click track, adding the BB later? I can't remember where you are on the planet, but I'm in Virginia, and have unfortunately been waking up between 2-3 am for a few weeks, so I don't know if you're awake this time of day or not, so just hit me back when you have a chance!
Peace brother, Keith