DP-24 Pops and Clicks

Most people record music on a computer. I don't believe TASCAM are planning to add anything to their porta-studios, as over the years they have only taken features away. Also, I would not be surprised if in say seven years, all porta- studios will be obsolete.

Good luck on your album.
Thank you very much for getting this update out here. I just updated the firmware on my DP32-SD, and will (hopefully) be using it to make 24-bit recordings of my brother on guitar. I will let people know how the new firmware is working for me.

OK, nearly a year later and I have not had a single pop or click on my DP-32SD recording at 24/44.1 since upgrading the firmware to v1.01 (0006).

Edit: Also, I see no reason why Tascam will stop making these kinds of Portastudios; there will always be a niche for musicians who don’t want to have to deal with an unreliable computer OS or interface driver just to record some music, who want to be able to mix using real faders and real mute buttons (yes, there are control surfaces, but one with 18 or 20 faders like the DP-24SD or DP-32SD will cost a good deal more than a Tascam Portastudio, without the built-in recorder), who want something which can not browse Facebook while laying down a track.
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The only method that worked for me was to export my tracks via AudioDepot...create a new song (same as the original song which was set to 24bit/48khz)...then import the tracks through AudioDepot. All of the track popping ad clicks issues were gone!

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