DP-24 Pops and Clicks

DeOxit is good...I've used it in the field since the late '70's...but, too much of a good thing is not a good thing. I prefer to put a little on a lint free cloth, and wipe the contacts on the card with it, then reinsert the card into the slot. That process on edge connectors has solved countless hardware issues over the years for me. I believe the aerosol version is about a 10% solution, but I've always used the small bottle with the needle top, which is a more concentrated solution and a little goes a long way.
Scott, the 2 GB card supplied with the unit has very little space, and you've likely reformatted it several times, and recorded over previous recordings. Deoxidizers work great when needed, but be sure to wait 8 -12 hours after spraying it in the port, if you go that way, I personally wouldn't spray anything in the media port, but that's just my opinion. I think a new card with more space, 16 or 32 GB would be my first course of action regarding the dropouts. And as I stated in my earlier post, the monitor pot is likely dirty, but unfortunately the correct way to clean a pot is from the back side, so the unit needs to be opened to clean it. The pot could be bad, or it may be something else entirely, but speaking from 35+ years of experience dealing with amps, and other electronics, I always choose the least expensive, and safest choices first, and if it was me I'd go for a new card, and for the monitor pot, I'd have it cleaned, or replaced if it is found to be defective when the tech goes to clean it. Just my opinion, and not discounting anyone else's ideas.

Peace, Keith
You can spray a little DeOxit on the card itself and work it in and out of the port and not have to wait 12 hours. It is not a conductive situation where it will blow something out. It is designed that way. I've used it this way countless times on very expensive equipment without issue.
That's why I noted that I wasn't discounting your idea. I too have had good luck with deoxidizers, with no problems after their use. However, if someone unfamiliar with these products, which when in an extensively liquid state do conduct, were to over saturate the contacts, it has been known to cause circuit failure. That's all I was saying.:)
Peace, KC

SD cards, as with all flash memory, wear out during usage. The memory cells have a limited life span (approx. 5000 cycles for consumer cards). On-card electronics provide wear-leveling, distributing the write actions across the available cells. If a cell is found defective the memory block containing the cell is flagged and mapped out for a spare block. This takes time, causing a number of possible problems, dropouts being one of them. The solution is to replace the card timely and using larger capacity cards. This way it will take much longer for the card to wear out. This is a "simple" explanation of how these devices work. If someone is interested I can provide the long explanation :|


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+1 on the new card Jos. I think it's the problem. The 2gb card shipped with the unit is basically at best a temporary card that contains the "teaser track", and the first thing I did was replace it with a 32 gig card. In reality, I think that once the space on a card is full of tracks you plan to keep, it's time for a new card, so if you experience computer failure, you'll always have the original tracks.

Cheers, KC
Pops/Clicks closure! with the updated ver 1.15; I can verify the fix; I just completed my first master at 24bit/44.1. The DP'a seemed to have a smoother operation with 1.15. For Scott buy another card as suggested. Keep on jamming.
Hi all,
I'm new to the boards and have just upgraded my old 788 to a DP-24 and had the clicks problem. I just wanted to thank everyone who put in the time and the effort to get this sorted. It's really appreciated.
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I've read this entire thread. I own a dp 32 and I was getting clicks and pops even in 16/ 44.1 after heavy editing. But it was fixed after I upgraded the firmware . Thanks to everyone who spoke up to get this fixed.

Right on, the fixed definetly works, however I have been doing a lot of mixing, editing, etc and on a few occasions a pop/click occurred but glad it hasn't been not a chronic condition and never in the mix or master.
Good to hear from you Dennis.

I also still have occasional pops and clicks (not as many) but it does still happen. So Redbus if you are still reading these threads there is still work to do - perhaps another firmware update. Maybe the current update has an expiration date?

Anyway track 3 on my recorder just went kaput from no user error on my part, so now I'm down to a 23 track recorder!

too bad the clicks and pops problem isn't solved completely. Can you provide some more information on when it happens? I'm going to do some real critical recordings and I want to minimize risks as much as possible.


Jos, the random "one pop/click" occurs per a 45 minute song that has been edited, mixed and mastered 30 plus times since initial recording on July 30, 2015; the song contains 13 tracks at 24bit/44.1. the pop/click took me by surprise because it began in September-so it appears in my case to occur after a few months of working on a song. the July 30th sessions are recording of two 45 minute songs/jams. I have been doing a lot recording/processing on the DP24 this has been the only issue so far. The pop/click sucks but I can survive if it happens just ONCE in a 45 minute song/jam.
Thanks Dennis. For my "critical" recording session I'll settle for 16 bit, sacrificing head room but possibly minimizing risk.
New 24sd owner here. I'm having the reverse issue of sorts - After updating my 24sd to version 1.01 I started getting different bugs - First, in the mixer section, the insert effect light goes off from every track I choose it for as soon as I move to another track. The send effect seems to stay on but as soon as I go back to the track, the light is turned off as if it is unselected even though I had turned it on. This happens for new sessions as well as any old sessions I load. So old and new sessions all look like there is no effect selected on every track whenever they are reloaded.

Also, I am hearing a ghosting sound from track 7 that is really slight but like a quiet reverb effect on the track in the background even with all of the faders lowered completely. Only muting the track will quiet it completely. Anyone else seeing these issues? Is there any way to go back to the original firmware? Or do I need to wait for the next update. On a good note, I'm not getting any pops or clicks in 24bit/48khz. Any help or ideas would be appreciated. Thanks
Ok, maybe found my own answers here. It is the pre setting in the send effect that is sending the ghost sound out so I just switched it to post and it's all gone. Also, in the mixer I'm just turning on effects from that pre/post/off button and it seems to be all I need to do. Maybe that insert effect is for something else or is it totally useless? Sorry if this is all irrelevant to this topic but I though for sure it was a firmware issue and that didn't do this before the update.
Hi all. I've been writing and fronting my own bands since the late 90's, have always recorded my albums in studios. I work for Olympus and last year purchased their LS100 8 track recorder. After playing with this a while and creating some ok demos ( just to remember the songs I was writing) discovered I really enjoyed the creative process of recording, so have decided to record my next album myself. The tiny Olympus 8 tracker was fine for getting ideas laid down, but I want to record some amazing sounding records. Having done the necessary research am very seriously close to buying the 32sd. I have been somewhat put off after reading there have been so many issues with the latest bunch of Tascam machines, I know the sound is supposed to be very good, and the price is exceptional, but one of the main bugbears for me regarding the DP32sd is there are only 8 xlr inputs. This is somewhat limiting. Does anybody know if it's possible to get more inputs added so that more than 8 tracks can be recorded simultaneously? I am torn between buying this, and an Akai DPS 24, does anybody here have experience with both units? Or does anybody know if there is that much of a difference in sound quality between the two that warrants the huge difference in price? I know the Akai has this legendary status, everybody seems to regard it as the best unit ever built, but one thing that puts me off the Akai is I would be buying an old second hand unit, for a lot of money, and they have since been discontinued and are no longer supported. Very confused as to what to buy at this stage. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
On the DP-32 or 24 you are limited to recording only 8 tracks at a time. If you had an external mixer you could use as many inputs as needed (for instance, drums) and sub-mix them in stereo to the machine, but only 8 tracks can be recorded.

As for the difference in sound I've never heard the Akai, but 16 or 24 bit recording I don't think you would notice a difference between recorders.
I'm wondering if Tascam's next step would be to create a 32 track machine with 12 or more xlr inputs for simultaneous recording. The Akai boasts 24 bit uncompressed recording, super amazing clear preamps and compressors, analogue sounding EQ etc
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