DM4800 - discontinued

Why would Tascam cease support of the DM if/when they introduce The Next BIG ONE? As previously mentioned, they still support the DM24 as 'legacy product.' So, it follows this current iteration will one day become legacy too.

This discussion reminds me of the old joke about the woman 'predicting the death of her aunt.' In 1956, the woman announced: "My aunt is going to die!" Five years pass, and in 1961, the woman repeats: "My aunt is going to die!" After another five years, the woman says it again in 1966: "My aunt is going to die!" Ten more years later, the woman is still insisting - "My aunt is going to die!"

Then, in 1991, the woman's aunt finally shuffles off the mortal coil. And the woman says:

"SEE!!? I TOLD YOU SO!" :eek::p:)

Why would Tascam cease support of the DM if/when they introduce The Next BIG ONE?
Well, as far as this may concern my last post, I must clarify: I meant this hypothetically spoken, as a worst case scenario that might take place somewhere in a distant future. As I said: nothing's meant to last forever.

But I agree with CaptDan in the matter itself: auntie is going to die - that's a fact, but predicting it over and over again won't prevent it nor accellerate it. Just some sort of self fullfilling prophecy.

As for me, CaptDan, the discussion reminds me of a bunch of old men who are very pleased with their 1920 Grammophons, assuring themselfs that the new stuff will never replace their beloved Grammy :p Fear not, my fellow old men, we're still cool, if Tascam introduces the new kid :cool:
Why not create both? An updated DM, say the DM 5000 with all the feature requests presented here applied, AND a glitzy new Ravenized board.

Based on what you've observed the past - say - 20 years, would that concept seem reasonable? When the DM24 was superseded by the 32/4800, was the DM24 upgraded to the DM30B? Or - was it just discontinued?

Seems to me, Tascam (and its competitors) tend to duplicate the consumer goods more than the higher end offerings. You're more likely to see multiple 'portastudios' than two or more digital mixers simultaneously.

And - what if Tascam simply chooses to keep making the DM3200 (as is) AND introduces a $7000 etcha-sketch mixer for the Ipad-On-Steroids set? Could happen.

Or not. :)

discussion reminds me of a bunch of old men who are very pleased with their 1920 Grammophons, assuring themselfs that the new stuff will never replace their beloved Grammy :p

They also insisted that new-fangled RADIO wouldn't last either. :LOL:

Television? PSSSHAWW! Who wants RADIO with PICTURES? :p

Oh no! Recording TAPE?! For the HOME? What next? People will STEAL copywritten music!!:eek:



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