DM4800 - discontinued

I have a Tranzport, love it and wouldn't do without it. But only a handful of control functions can be controlled at one time. It's not like being able to control ALL of the DM functions remotely, which is what I was getting at.

I have had a few studios in the past, complete with control room for when you are recording a full band or rhythm section basic tracks. You never have as good a feel as recording them together at the same time. My situation now is that I do not have a control room, everything is in one room. But I do have a home theater room next door which would make a great control room. No way would my wife permit me to move my console, etc. in that room.

However, if I could control all of the DM remotely with a tablet, I would just need to run two cables for an audio feed and I would be good to go with a super control room.

I have seen the website of the 2Seemy, and it is definitely and add-on that I will consider seriously, once I get the DM. But it wouldn't be needed if the DM would permit full control via USB and PC software, as with several other USB/Firewire external interfaces. Those interfaces are not full fledged mixers generally, but that added function to a DM would still be awesome.

In my case, I want to go back to an analog style surface from ITB mixing, hence my interest in the DM. I toyed with the idea of smaller mixing surfaces, but when I thought about it good, I want to go back to full control that I had way back in the analog days and with room to spare if possible. For example, the Mackie DL1608 that has just come out does nothing to me. I don't want the best of both worlds, I would like BOTH worlds, i.e. full remote control via tablet AND a full physical surface to mix on. You choose the one you need that is appropriate at the time you need it.

Maybe in an eventual successor to a DM, who knows... No harm in just dreaming...

Cheers, Dan
I'm pretty sure that when you are using the Tranzport, you wouldn't be controlling the DM but the computer-based DAW in which you are recording. With that in mind, you can use an iPad or similar device with OSC software to run the DAW across a WiFi network. There are some digital consoles with tablet software for mixer control (the Presonus and Behringer come to mind, although I wouldn't buy either one of them), but in my experience you don't need anything like full console control to do solo tracking. I record myself 90 percent of the time, and I run Digital Performer using MOTU's free DPControl app and Logic using an app called LPTouch.

These give you complete control of the DAW's functions from anywhere within WiFi range. I loved my Tranzport but sold it when MOTU released DPControl because it does so much more in a vastly more accessible way.
Gravity Jim said:
I'm pretty sure that when you are using the Tranzport, you wouldn't be controlling the DM but the computer-based DAW in which you are recording.
Indeed! But you can also have limited remote control of your DM's mixer section using a MIDI controller sending Control Change messages listed on MIDI/CTRL.CHANGE screen.
Gravity Jim said:
So, how is the mixer connected to the WiFi network? This is a new concept for me!

I could be WAY wrong here (gee, THAT never happens. ;) ) but I think you and Jarno may be referring to two different things.

WIFI DAW control (Tranzport and the app you're using that replaced it) bypasses the DM and controls the DAW directly. Jarno - I think - is pointing out a means to manipulate the DAW transport by way of MIDI signals generated by a controler device that feeds directly to the DM.

Just a guess. Beer (or in your case - single malt) - on me if I'm offbase. ;)

Dan, you must be right.... But since we re talkin both the Tranzport, when Jarno said "MIDI controller," I didn't think of a physical controller but of a MIDI command sent by the Tranzport.

Your whisky is safe. :)
Well .. I was talking about anything that can send MIDI. If it's Wifi device (like Trazport), you can use your DAW to echo the MIDI messages to DM.

But to be honest, Tranzport isn't very good for this purpose, but some customizable tablet computer MIDI controller apps may be.
That is what I was getting at. Remotely controlling the DM from a tablet via Wifi through to the computer(DAW) and eventually to the DM.

Will the DM accept midi messages through the USB port, or only from the midi input?
And to what degree can the DM be controlled remotely via midi messages?
Is it just a few functions, only the functions needed for the DAW, or most if not all of the functions?

The day I re-joined this new forum I notified a few other that the forum was back online including Mr. Duffy.

What are you trying to do remotely?

If you are looking for a remote transport, the Frontier Tranzport will do that and a bit more very very well.

From their website:

"You can arm tracks, use transport controls, set markers, control pans, punch in/out, start loops, and more from TranzPort’s simple and intuitive interface. TranzPort is a bi-directional controller, so it also provides feedback to you on signal levels, timecode position, track names and more, via a backlit LCD display and LED indicators."

The rest can be read here:

If it were discontinued - ok. I've long since made back my money more than 1000x fold, and I have stepped my music production for the "labor of love" artists I have been working with.

I now have a signature sound thanks to this board and I will never look back.

I would LOVE to "just have" X-48 - just because.
Well, I am now waiting for mine and am very anxious for it to arrive.

After Redbus's post, I decided not to wait, especially since the price has come down at several online dealers recently. So anyway, I've made my decision, and I don't care anymore if it becomes discontinued in the near future or not.

However, I saw this earlier this week. I don't know if it means anything or not, but stocking 100 units of the DM4800 at this time made me at least raise an eyebrow: ... ngid=31444

If I may inquire, what is an X-48?

Cheers, Dan
I have had the 2Seemy up and running since February on my DM3200. It is a relief to the eyes. I installed it in an hour and it works great. I wish I had saved a few more dollars for the 4800 in hindsight but have no regrets on the purchase of the 3200. The routing is amazing, the sound quality great, and th flexibility in clock and bit are useful.
I agree about hindsight and wishing I had purchased the dm4800 rather than the 3200. At the time I had no idea what to expect when I purchased it. No one I knew had it, no way to see or hear it in action so I figured if it sucked, I'd be out $3k rather than $5k. Purchasing the analog card helped fill the gap between the two models but I still yearn for that fat channel strip! Like they say, hindsight is 20/20 :-). Now that I've consolidated my studio where my only console is the DM3200 and I have a spare monitor and oodles of desktop space, I've been toying with getting the 2seemy even though my LCD is fine. It would be easier on the eyes for sure.
I've been using my 3200 for over 2 years. Yes, for about 10 minutes, I imagined the broader landscape of a 4800 before me, 24 levers per layer, a Fat Channel at the ready.

But then it dawned on me: why in living hell would I want to waste an additional 8 preamps when there are so many starving enginers in the world? Besides, I wasn't using more than two of the 16 'holes' I had already. Would all that extra girth - sparkling under my studio's mood lighting - compensate for the gouges I'd wear into my faux-oak floor as I wheelied my chair to and fro trying to keep my weary noggin centered in the mixing sweet spot?

Nay. 'Twasn't meant to be. And that's a good thing. 8-)

Exactly, capt. One of the reasons I chose my DM3200 was it had almost exactly the same footprint as the Yamaha 02R it replaced.

Yeah, more faders might look cool. But truth is, in my work, I do so much of the layering "in the box", and try to keep my productions as clean and sparse as possible... I don't use all the ins-n-outs I have now!
Gravity Jim said:
Exactly, capt. One of the reasons I chose my DM3200 was it had almost exactly the same footprint as the Yamaha 02R it replaced.

Yeah, more faders might look cool. But truth is, in my work, I do so much of the layering "in the box", and try to keep my productions as clean and sparse as possible... I don't use all the ins-n-outs I have now!

Useless philosophical rant to follow:

As our eminent 4800 power users - Jarno and Jamsire (sounds like a great name for a band :) ) demonstrate, that mighty board is a treasure trove of possibilities. Groups, sub-groups, loopbacks 'n busses galore; it seems there's no end to what can be plugged into where. With 24 onboard preamps, (and who knows how many extra inputs), every last element of the London Symphony can be given its own 'pipe.' Mind boggling, indeed. :?

And yet, the 3200 is only slightly less capable; and by 'slightly,' I mean the differential in width between the keenest blade in a master Sushi chef's knife drawer, and the hair he pulls from his head to test it.

A DAW producer with a specific workflow could certainly do as much with a 4 fader control surface and a powerhouse PC/Mac. But it wouldn't be as elegant or as satisfying without either a 3200 or 4800 in the signal chain. The decision about which board is best is really a matter of preference, not to mention the spousal salesmanship required to justify the fiscal expenditure in the first place :P


The only way to get over this CaptDan is to purchase both.. actually if you could cascade a 3200 with a 4800 I would :-)
If I had a REAL studio, I'd have them in their own console rooms. Power Ball jackpot up to $500K.. think I'll play!
If I had a REAL studio,

Definition of a 'Real Studio": a facility so large and well equipped, it needs 50 paying students to cover the rent. :lol:

I'd have them in their own console rooms.

Well, to loosely paraphrase Billy Crystal: "If it ROOKS good - it EES good!"

Power Ball jackpot up to $500K.. think I'll play!

Lotto and similar public raffles are the best taxes ever foisted on the poor. :P

(I'm bad, but somebody has to be :twisted: )


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