DM4800 - discontinued

It would have to be some kind of revolution for me to dump my DM. You guys know I turned over a lot of dirt before I decided to buy a DM3200, and finally did because it fit everything I wanted from a new mixer and interface without radically changing my workflow. Just because it's a digital unit doesn't mean that it becomes "obsolete" when something newer is introduced. I know people who are mixing on analog consoles that are 30+ years old, and they make real good sounding records. The DM3200 fits my work, my scale, my room, and I expect to retire it when I do.
Hey, I'm not interested in anything else either. My console works; my PC operates. I turn on the gear and get stuff done.

What I WOULD like to see is a special app that provides me musical ideas on demand. Even nicer if it could do all the rest of the work too. Then, I could sit back, sip a Single Malt, watch the DAW operate by proxy as the DM's faders and pots move about.

Oh, and one more thing: maybe they could invent a gtr that plays itself. Then I could just go on a long vacation and not have to practice. :confused:

I agree CaptDan - about the console only.
What? You wouldn't want a ZapBingo MKIII Gtr Practice Replacement? You know, when ya got the flu and can't practice. You plug in the ZapBingo and it transmits infrared data to a chip implanted in your arm. While you rest, your arm is receiving muscle instruction data gleaned from all the best gtr players ever. Then, when you get better, you just pick up your axe and immediately sound better than you have all year.

P.S. I wouldn't be opposed to an easier way to input alphanumeric data....
Out of curiosity, I wonder what the answers would be if we were back in time and all DM24 users and the rumor was a Dm3200/4800 model? :-)
DM24 users and the rumor was a Dm3200/4800 model?

Based on some of the - ahem - opinions when the DMs were introduced, I would imagine a great many users were NOT happy. Some HATED the larger size (of the 3200, mind you), the 'fake' wood panels. But the most common beef was that it actually IMPROVED upon the DM24 in several ways. Which meant another 4-6 thousand dollar investment. :)

Around 2005, a particular high profile engineer who was remixing a well known live band's album, wrote a SCATHING review of the DM24 - never mind the 3200. Essentially, he 'hated' that 'rotten' 'annoying,' 'difficult to use' mixer so much, he wouldn't even LOOK in the direction of ANY other Tascam mixer. EVER!" :)

And of course, thousands of DM24 users don't feel that way. Nor do DM32/48 folks either. Right?

Still use my DM24 (and have one as spare) for lower budget live mixing jobs and all location recordings.

Still love it, it's not the most ideal digital desk for live mixing, but it works. And it sounds absolutely great.
The DM3200 is in my small project studio. Happy with my DM's and I won't ditch them when Tascam comes with a new mixer. Hopefully I can add a new DM to my gear in the future.

Every musician who attends my small studio is very impressed by the DM3200 :)
Your musician friends have good taste. :)

There must be thousands of DM24s still in regular use. The studio I bought my DM3200 from was using a DM24 as monitoring board for an Amek Angela annie console. The 3200 took its place as a production mixer. But then the studio owner became embroiled in a divorce settlement and well - he had to 'downsize.' :oops:

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Well, considering I pretty much built my desk and racks around the DM3200, it's unlikely I'll be an early adopter of a follow-up desk. Even if it would have the exact same sizes, I need some pretty good reason to 'upgrade'.
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Though the marketing department will try to convince us otherwise, a new desk with all the bells and whistles isn't going to make the DM any less functional than it was 10 years ago and is today... likewise, whatever board Tascam releases in the next year or two is sure to be a great deal 10 years down the line! :)
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Though the marketing department will try to convince us otherwise, a new desk with all the bells and whistles isn't going to make the DM any less functional than it was 10 years ago and is today... likewise, whatever board Tascam releases in the next year or two is sure to be a great deal 10 years down the line! :)

No a new model won't make our current DM obsolete. However being that the current line is a decade old, there's definitely room for improvement.

-After hearing the quality of the DA-3000, why not leverage that design and it's converters?
-Why not make the menu system a little more user friendly?
-Why not use the the DP24/DP32 screen and while you're at it, make it a touchscreen as well?
-More modern connectivity like Thunderbolt? MADI?
-Better companion software for PC/MAC (that would include outputting the display screen thus negating the need for a legacy VGA output/2SeeMy device).
-Designed for iPad/Tablet connectivity with some nice apps? An official Tascam Remote Transport app would be nice for starters!
-A simpler and more robust support for DAW's?

There's certainly justification for a next gen Tascam mixer line that continues to improve on the previous generation. If Tascam can deliver that, then they have my money.
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If Tascam can deliver that, then they have my money.

Well, start saving Charlie, because here's a 'preview' of The Next Big One:

The Tascam version will be noticeably smaller, but same general concept. Now, I don't know anything for sure, but we have MusiekSchuur to thank for the photo.



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I hope you're kidding us Dan - they won't get my $s for a raven - nevermore.

The DM will be a hard act to follow - it is just so functional. Like Charlie, a few enhancements would do it for me, but I suspect that radical change rather than minor improvements will be the follow up.

fwiw my wishlist would be:
- HDMI video port
- Thunderbolt card(s) with 64 I/O
- up to 192KHz
- physical pot + mute for studio spkrs
- higher quality faders with longer travel
requesting all the above, and more analog I/O.
From that picture, looks like Charlie got a serious touch screen request filled!
Hey, I'm just speculating. But think about it for a moment: the DM consoles are very slick and functional as they exist right now. So, if you're Tascam, what do you do? Introduce DM V.2 - which essentially looks like V.1 with a few little extra niceties. Or - do you go 'with the flow' with Virtual Look and Style by 'Raven-izing?'

I'm going with Door #2 - assuming this thing even happens, and that, too, is highly speculative. :)

higher quality faders with longer travel

I don't know about that. I think the faders are pretty robust, and 100mm is about right for a small format mixer. But - to each his own.

Why not create both? An updated DM, say the DM 5000 with all the feature requests presented here applied, AND a glitzy new Ravenized board.
Keep the DM V.2 in the 3900 dollar range-(smaller margin as R&D is pretty much done and current DM users will be happy to get it) and present it as new and improved -'cause it damn well better be-

And then market the new Tascam DM-XL 8000 Ultra Extreme Diamond Pro as the future of all audio signal manipulation. For a mere 6Gs. Something like that...
Looks like a big christmas wishlist for you guys :)

My sole and somber fear is that I would have to leave my zone of comfort if anything unpleasant should happen to my DM 3200: damaged faders, inputs, the display completely going down or any disfunction that would be beyond repair^^
It's like looking at the girls: a pretty face, some exciting curves, and you might feel to be tempted to take some sneaking glimpses behind the back of your ol' lady ;-) Of course we are all aware that all the features we would like to be included within our "DM-o-Dreams-V.3.0" will surely not come true so there's always space for some sighs. But - just as with your ol' lady - you may have come to the conclusion that it often turns out to be comforting enough to lay hands on the curves you're most familiar with ;-) (end of corrupt comparisons)

So it all comes down to a few rock steady facts, as:
- of course, there will be a follow up for the DM's as we know them (wouldn't we otherwise think Tascam to tread water?), at least somewhen in time
- of course, there will be some sort of features that may score off those of the DM's; that's what progress is all about
- of course, the day will come when any Dm 3200/4800 is simply discontinued, no more service, maybe even no more support is available - monetary this would be a hard blow, at least for me (s. above), but on the other hand there may be some magic doors opening up, possibilities we might not even think about now.

Look, I've been waiting fifteen years now to accomplish my dream of building my own homerecording studio (my girlfriend and I were lookin for a suitable house for a good two years now), with a production and a recording room, both build up from scratch as room-in-room solution. The heartpiece will be a DM 3200. If I think of the cables running behind those room-in-room-walls, the many wireing and planing, all lovingly aligned to the DM 3200 I don't want to even think about Tascam dropping this great digital mixer. But then again: which of the alternatives out there could I chose, if I would want something build for eternitiy? See? Stick to the curves you're familiar with :-D

snafu out

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