Upgrading to the DP-32SD

I ordered my DP-24 from Sweetwater. $449.99 Got it on a Friday,Sunday its a one day sale $399.99,the y gave me $50 back.I like Sweetwater,they call you and talk about what you ordered.
Old timer-got a stupid question---so I am real familiar with Tascams and the CD burner method, but have never used my Tascam through a PC for recording, just CD's. Guitar Center gave me the DP-32SD instead of the DP-32. Didn't even know there were 2 versions and the clerk never said anything either. I'm not that scared of technology, but...how does one take the mixdown/master and get a CD out of it through using a PC?--Should I keep the DP-32SD and learn the new... or trade it for a DP-32 with a familiar system?-----Any help would greatly be appreciated.

Another old timer here.When you master a song the file with a z after it is the master.You need a PC to make a CD
I have the DP-32 with the CD burner but I don't use it, it's far easier to pull the card out, put it in my PC and upload to Soundcloud, Bandcamp or where ever. The reason I needed the DP-32 was for the Midi I/O, so if you don't need that then no reason not to keep the DP-32SD.
I've owned both a 788 and 2488 for many years and am considering an upgrade to the DP-32. I just noticed that everyone now seems to be listing it at $449, due to a $100 instant rebate. I'm a little suspicious that might mean a new Tascam model might be on the way - anyone heard anything? A couple of other questions/concerns I have, that I'm hoping a current DP-24/32 user might be able to answer:
  • Any possibility that songs I've archived from the 2488 to my PC via USB could be loaded back onto the DP-32? I know a wave file could be, but what about song settings, virtual tracks, etc?
  • Has the issue of clicking and popping sounds been eliminated? I understand there was a firmware update awhile ago that supposedly fixed this - is this really true? This is probably my single biggest concern.
  • I believe Tascam eliminated some features from the older models for some reason. One I really liked (but didn't use very often) was the Varispeed control, pitch specifically. It was just nice to know I had this option. Am I correct that it's been eliminated?
  • I don't see the lack of midi as a major obstacle, as with so many tracks I don't feel the need for this as much anymore. Any good workarounds that users have come up with?
My 2488 is still awesome, and I've upgraded to a 160 GB hard drive, but I have had some recent issues with a button or two not working. Some contact cleaner seemed to take care of that, but I'm concerned more troubles could be on the horizon. The DP-32 looks really tempting, especially at this reduced price. I'd greatly appreciate any useful advice any of you would care to share. Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
I was all set to purchase the DP-32SD this week, with the intention of reliving a recording golden age when I owned the 2488. But then I saw this thread about there being no MIDI connectivity and changed my mind. What a disastrous design decision. Very disappointing.

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