Upgrading to the DP-32SD

I would contact Musicians Friend and exchange it for a regular DP-32 or 24 as thats what they seem to be offering people who have bought the SD..
There website still lists the SD as having midi and a cd burner,.. In my opinion, if thats what they advertise, thats what they should deliver...
On a sidenote: My dp-24 arrived from amazon yesterday...AMAZING!!

As for returning your unit, MF will send you a shipping label...
I have the 24 and I'm starting to wonder if 6 stereo pairs is enough? Tempted to return and buy a 32.
I am using iUR2 for MIDI needs, not the best solution but it works, so I am okay without MIDI on the SD version. And $200 saving comparing with DP-32 is such a good deal. Again, only concern is ongoing firmware support.
Just got a reply from Tascam support below regarding firmware update for the SD model:


The simple reason is there are no updates needed for the unit.
It is a MF/GC only product and was introduced well after the DP-32.

When and if there is a firmware update required it will appear on the DP-32 page clearly labeled.

Thank you for your interest in TASCAM products.


I think I am keeping my DP-32SD. The unit is so much fun, and I also like to save my $200 for other toy. :-)
Decided to keep the SD after speaking with Tascam. I just finished trying everything in the dp-24 and dp-32 release notes for known bugs (per Tascam's recommendation) and could not reproduce them on the SD. So far, no issues. If there are any Costco shoppers out there, they have a Sandisk Extreme 32GB, Class 10 card for $39.99 and it works fine. I have 4 songs created on it. It's not listed on TASCAM's site as a tested card, but it works. It's the cheapest card I have found with this capability and the great thing about Costco is you can return it for any reason if you're not happy.
Whether you have the 24, 32 or the 32SD, enjoy ..... because that's the most important part of all, regardless of features. I'm having a riot re-training myself from the neo!!
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You can also consider the 32gb microsd on sale from Costco for $24.99. I'm using it and I see no issue so far.
Old timer-got a stupid question---so I am real familiar with Tascams and the CD burner method, but have never used my Tascam through a PC for recording, just CD's. Guitar Center gave me the DP-32SD instead of the DP-32. Didn't even know there were 2 versions and the clerk never said anything either. I'm not that scared of technology, but...how does one take the mixdown/master and get a CD out of it through using a PC?--Should I keep the DP-32SD and learn the new... or trade it for a DP-32 with a familiar system?-----Any help would greatly be appreciated.
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I go back to the 788 and 2488; I have been using my two DP 24's for 6 months; the midi connection is a must because I can connect to the two DP24's which give me 16 digital recording tracks. With the DP's new mastering capabilities, I think you would find the built in CD burner a great plus.
Dennis has a point regarding the lack of MIDI, if that's a must for you. In my situation, I don't require it because I only need 8 channels to record simultaneously. I use a MAC for burning CD's, some mix downs, and even tweaking a master (with Garageband) what was completed on the DP32SD. Like you Eric, this is my 4th Tascam portastudio. I have 2 - 2488's and 1 - 2488neo. For a PC, you may need extra software for burning a CD, but I'm not totally sure. The PC treats it as a file on a SD card, so you may be able to burn it from there ... with the MAC, I just dump it into iTunes and burn from there. You have the option of using the SD card or USB to manipulate individual tracks or entire songs. I've not had any problems to date. So far, I will say the DP32SD has been much more reliable than my other machines. I was constantly getting glitches/lock ups with the 2488's and the neo (and tried everything mentioned on this site). The 32SD has worked flawlessly. It is more handy to have a CD burner within the machine, but you'll get used to using the PC. There used to be Audicity software that was free that allowed mix downs and mastering. If it's still available, you might want to check it out.
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I go back to the 788 and 2488; I have been using my two DP 24's for 6 months; the midi connection is a must because I can connect to the two DP24's which give me 16 digital recording tracks. With the DP's new mastering capabilities, I think you would find the built in CD burner a great plus.

Woah, how did you sync 2 dp 24's? Can you go step by step? Tascam and others on here said it couldn't be done. If you can midi sync 2 24's I will be another right now.
Kaydigi, the midi connections are the same for 788, 2488 and DP24; all you have to do is use one midi cable for DP24A's midi-out connected to midi-in of DP24B, and one midi cable for DP24A's midi-in connected to midi-out of DP24B. On the DP24's go to the menu and select midi; then you will select a setting for DP24A to be master and DP24B to be slave; in this config the DP24A will control DP24B-play/ record/stop/mark.
That's what I figured, then Tascam told me no so I never bought another one. Now begins the hunt for a dp24 or midi dp32.

Soundwise the neo 2488's are the same?
I never had a neo2488, just the 2488; however regarding the soundwise comparison; I can say they both use digital recording; however the DP24 has 48 bit recording compared to 2488 44bit recording limitation that would be the only difference(if my memory is correct about the 2488)
I just bought the DP-32SD, looks so great. I just wonder if it supports 64 GB or more on the SD card, 32 seems restrictive.
Have had my 32SD for a bit now, and I knew it did not have midi or a CD burner. Everything seems to work fine though. I haven't had any synch issues (bought a expensive SD card that was on TASCAMs list of them.) People have had problems with certain SD cards, even some of the listed ones. And a lot of those problems were fixed with a faster card. So I got a good one from the start. Only time I got any pop noises is when I'm close to peak levels, so I just just stay a tad more under then usual, and I never normalize it (as you can do) in the mixdown stage. But it so far works fine,,,, did like a million tests. Mic stuff, guitar, effects, drum machines, load up tracks to max, and seems fine. Actually vary good to be honest, good 24bit sound, old school play and record. Works pretty well,,,,,,, so far
Interesting..... Just got off of Tascam's website to check for firmware upgrades for my DP32SD and realized it's the only machine they offer now. No upgrades required at this time. No more moving hardware!! I will admit it's the first portastudio I've owned that has worked flawlessly. My 2488 and 2488neo always had glitches, probably due to the hard drives (vibration). The DP32SD supposedly started out as just a Musician's Friend only machine, but now I think it was being Beta tested to replace the DP-32. And it succeeded !!
I just received my DP32SD yesterday. I've been playing music for a long time but this is my first time attempting to record on my own. Looking forward to seeing what I can do with this! :)
I had ordered the DP-24 and found out the stereo tracks could not be panned separately. So I returned it and bought the DP-32... waiting for it.
All the stereo tracks can be panned separately, as well as effect sends and EQ.
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One thing that I feel it's missing: separate volume level for the headphones. Part from that I'm very pleased with the unit.

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