Tascam Model 12 Knobs


New Member
Nov 27, 2023
Gear owned
Tascam Model 12
Hello all,

Is there any guide on how to remove Tascam Model 12? Are those of any special size or specs?

My intention is to replace the stock knobs with some dark-glowing knobs. I want to be sure I get the proper ones...

Thank you
@tangucho welcome to the forum! Don't know of any guide for removing the knobs, they are likely the common D-shaft type. IMO you should be able to remove them easily by pulling with your fingers, if the knobs are too tight try gently prying from the bottom using two plastic levers positioned at the opposite sides of the knob. Just what is needed for pulling any average knob on any average mixer (just to speak).
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I know it is a dumb question but

1) Pulling them off does not work
2) Use a plastic card to lever them does not work either.
You could just paint them with glow paint.

Why did you buy the new knobs without verifying the pot position relative to the shaft orientation on the Model 12? If you get the knobs off and the orientation is wrong, what then?
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@tangucho I know Chroma Caps are popular among DJ and live performers and understand your urgency to upgrade your Model knobs, but logic suggests you should:
1 - take off at least one knob to identify the exact type
2 - order the right replacement parts

Anyway, I confirm the Model knobs are *tight* so you better find those hard plastic levers used in pc/phone repair*. Don't know if a common guitar knob puller could do with the thin ones in the Model.
@-mjk- If the replacement knobs are the wrong type our friend @tangucho will return them and ask for the right parts, hopefully learning something in the process.

*= Put a protection layer between the Model surface and levers in order not to scratch the graphics. Unless you plan to do a relic treatment, of course.
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Thank you both @-mjk- and @Max Relic , I confirmed with some pictures that parts with 270 degrees as offered in DJ Tech Tools would fit. Just to let you know that they have a policy of full refund if the knobs does not fit the equipment (if the gear is not listed in their compatibility list - which is the case).
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At least there is that. But shipping returns is always a drag.
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Were you ever able to figure out a way to remove the knobs on the Model 12? I would like to remove them and replace with some nicer analog synth type knobs. I can't seem to pull them off either.
Does the knob have a white cap that comes off? If so, there may be a collet underneath that needs to be loosened in order to take the knob off?
I have tried using a tiny flat head screwdriver to remove any type of cap, with no luck. The Model 12 has many colored caps tops. there has to be a way to remove them for repairs. Has anyone taken one of these apart?
No luck so far. I have the replacement knobs stored waiting for a way to remove the old ones...
Unfortunately, I tried everything with no success. I design and build midi controllers, so have had my fair share of taking apart and rebuilding synths, mixers, sound boards, and other equipment, and in 40 years tinkering with electronics, I have never seen anything like this. Anything that is built should be able to be taken apart. So I gave up on replacing the knobs on this a while ago. I even reached out to Tascam but didn't get anything back from them.
Well, I am surprised (am probably you will be also) that it seems that it is not that hard....

Check this out...

(I already contacte the youtube user that posted the video asking for directions). Let me know if the video itself give you any hint.
Thank you for this. It appears there are three clip slots. Maybe he just used a pair of pliers to remove them? I noticed he replied and mentioned the he had a broken one that he damaged. I'm not willing to go that far for aesthetics.

EDIT: I just read his comment again, and he damaged TWO units attempting to remove them.
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Hey all,
I stumbled upon this awesome forum. Was wondering if anyone had success? I unfortunately cannot recommend the way I did it
Because there’s chance of damage.

I sat down, and before starting ,knew I had a good chance of smashing it up/damaging my unit( I think I was in a bad mood and was even driven to purchase a new mixer at the time) the model 12 held my “abuse” in taking off the knobs. There is no 3 units , the one you see there is the original. I did smash it up before hand and sent it off to Sal V @ TAP electronics in California. Great ,great crew! Big ups Sal V much respect ! If I sent the mixer now though they’d probably be in for some work as my knobs now feel stuck for good :)

I must have somehow misread your comment under your youtube video. Your video is the only document of any kind that I have seen showing the Model 12 knobs removed. I have never seen knobs that have what look like three clips on the bottom of the knob around the potentiometer shaft. I don't see an explanation of the process you used to remove them.

So, let's figure this out. Would you happen to have the original Tascam knobs that were removed so you can take a close up picture of it? Also, can you take a picture of one of the potentiometer shafts on the unit with the knob off for reference? I would need to see the potentiometer shaft, as well as the knob itself. This has become a quest! So, perhaps we can figure this knob mystery out for good. Thanks!

Has anyone ever seen knobs that appear to have three mounting clips on the bottom like this?


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Thank you for the welcome. Ok those are after market knobs that are for numark/dj mixers. I believe the original tascam
Knobs are “d shaft” these are d shaft style as well
But they All are fitted backwards! To add to the confusion. My center line is 6 o’clock as opposed to 12. The knobs are rather easy to take off, it takes distributed force. Every knob I took off I could see the rest of the inside board flexing. Those three holes/ what was circled, is not clipped in at all. With some time I will attempt to look for my original knobs(which are way more comfortable and perfect as is stock) thank you tascam for
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