MX View with Windows 7

Hello Alan,

I'm communicating through g-mail on my Galaxy S6 edge+ phone. The g-mail app has a 5o MB limit on the size of files. Concerning filters, the spam filter hasn't detected anything. As an option, if nothing else works, you could try e-mailing me at !

Good evening , Alan

I've downloaded the app DROPBOX. I never hear of it until you mentioned that that was the means of moving or storing the file. So, where do we go from here?
Today I sent the attachment again to your second email address.

You should have got a email from dropbox telling you there is a shared file for you, I sent that to both email addresses.

You can download without being signed up to drop box. You click the link on the email you should have received telling you that you have a shared file on drop box.
Hello , Alan
Yes, I did get the files sent Jan 30! Still having problems getting it installed successfully. So, what I did was to hook up the MX to an unused computer with XP professional OS; changed the IP address on the computer and was able to get the mx-view software( which had mx-view installed on it) up and running. I deeply appreciate your time and effort to help me regarding the mx-view installation. Again, many thanks, Alan!


p.s. My reason for wanting to install mx-view on my Windows7 computer was , in my thinking, it being a newer os , would run more smoothly.
To install on win7 copy the folder tascam I sent, on the computer open c drive > program files , and past the copy there. Open the folder, click on the mx view exe, and mx view will open. Don’t try to install the normal way ou would install software.

When it’s working you can right click on the mx view icon in the folder and create a desktop shortcut
Hello Alan,
I did the inexcusable! In my frustration I, having reached the resolve, deleted that file you sent , thinking that even with your help , I was making this more difficult than it should be, and the fact that I was able to get mx-view up and running on a older computer with XP os, was a factor in deleting the file. Having said that, if you feel gracious enough to resend the file, I'll give another shot! By the way, I checked my dropbox account and didn't see any notices of a shared file. I downloaded the basic app.

I sent it to both email address and a drop box invite to both email address.

Install it like I instructed and you won't have a problem.

Uninstall your old one first. unzip the one I sent you, copy it, Open the Program folder on your C drive. Paste the Tascam folder into the program files folder, open the Tascam folder and run mx view.

Hello Alan,
After I extracted the file(s) you sent, there wasn't any mxview.exe file. So, I've decided just to go with the XP machine that I had lying around that has mx-view on it. I appreciate the time you've taken to help me resolve this issue.

Best regards,

I recently bought a little HP notebook with Win10 Pro and to my amazement, MXView works perfectly. I don't even have the un-x-able pop up box problem I had with Win7. I didn't use the installer, just copied to files from my Win7 install into the x86 folder like before.

Terry D.
Glad to hear that, Terry. As I said in an earlier reply, this is the first I've heard of the problem you mentioned. It never did that to me so I had no way of sussing the issue. Glad to see it's working for you now.

@Charles Anderson: If you have a working copy of MX View on an XP machine, you have all the files you need to get it running on Windfows 7, and later.

As Witzendoz said, go to C:Program Files/Tascam and copy the MX View folder. Then go to the Windows 7 machine and locate C:Program Files (X86). Open that folder and create a new folder called Tascam. Open that new folder and paste the MX View folder you copied from your Windos XP machine. Inside that folder, you will find an icon that looks like an MX2424 and is called MX View.exe. Double click that icon to open MX View. You can use the "send to desktop (create shortcut) function in the right click menu to add an icon to your desktop that will start MX View.

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