MX View with Windows 7

As to the unmount/multiple windows open issues, I have not experienced those. I'm not running MX View on Windows 10 (using Win 7 on some computers and still running XP on some others), but it doesn't surprise me in the least.

Even on XP there are issues with MX View (import/export when multiple machines are connected, for example) that shouldn't be happening.

I always unmount from the front panel of the 2424 with the program shut down, so I wouldn't see that one anyway.

The multiple window issue is similar to what I experience on XP when attempting to import/export with multiple machines connected in a single instance of MX View. My workaround was to set up profiles for various scenarios (one for 2 individual machines in one instance of the program, individual instances of the program for single machines, etc.), and use those set ups when needed. It works for me, or should I say I've adapted to this workflow over the years.
Hi I couldn't find the 'solution ' to installing mxview on a windows 7 64 bit laptop!!! Now I feel double stupid... The link doesn't appear to work - any kind soul help me please?? Billy the non-computer guy
Hey English Billy,

It appears the old forum is down again. Shoot me a message and I'll send you a link to the file. There is a read me included with the instructions.


I had a description of how to do it under here to help (old post) it was for a think pad with XP but it's the same solution, anyway here you go:

If you try to install the software the normal way the software won't install due to windows thinking it is too old, which it is, designed for windows 95/98, so go to the Tascam support site and download MX View.
Copy the MX View folder to: C drive > programs folder. Open the folder and copy the mx view icon to desk top (create shortcut). Go back to desk top Click on the icon and the software will open.

Remember that the software is only a reader of what is inside the MX2424, so if it's not set up it won't do anything.

Does this help?
Hey Alan - not sure if you can actually copy the files from the Tascam site into that location and have MX View work. The trick for me has been to copy the files from a working installation of MX View into the location you mentioned (into a folder called TASCAM, actually).

The files on the Tascam site are the actual MX View installers, so if someone has an XP box laying around they could download those files, install the program on XP, and then copy the TASCAM folder from the C:\Programs (x86) folder on XP into C:\Program Files (x86)\TASCAM on the Win7 box and it will work. I believe this will work for Windows 8 & 8.1 as well, but I've not had a chance to test it on Windows 10./

To save everyone that hassle, I've got the files from a working installation stored on my Dropbox and I'll be happy to share them with anyone in need. Just msg me here and we'll get in touch.

BTW, nice to see you again!

As long as you download the files from Tascam to the computer first, for example your download folder, it should work. If English Billy is having problems I have MX View saved in a folder ready to go and I can send it too him if he shoots me a PM.

Interesting! When I tried that all those years ago, it didn't work for me. As a last ditch effort to get it running I tried copying the installed files from XP to Windows 7 and discovered it worked.

Either way, between us, we've got him covered!

Howdy, everyone! I installed MX View on my Windows 10 machine. It works great! I really only use MX View to download everything from my MX 2424 to a hard-drive for editing in Pro Tools. I found, though, that I cannot have the Project/Track window open at the same time as the Import/Export window. If they are open at the same time, the batch download errors. Other than that, I'm a happy camper!

Hi again Guys, I have encountered a problem with getting Windows 10 home machine to see my MX2424 - I got mxView onto this laptop with Timm's help, and it works : I used a cat5 crossover cable between the pc & mx2424 but I lack the computer knowledge to get them talking to each other!! I have made this happen years ago but Windows keeps changing every term they use in Network connections and I'm stuck when all I want to do is record music! Can anyone walk me thru the procedures please?
Hey Billy,

Have you set up the IP address and network info in the 2424?

You might also try setting up a new network exclusively for the 2424 apart from any home network you already have in place.

The instructions should basically be the same for any post XP Windows system. Setting up a different network might be the easiest way to start from scratch without interfering with anything you already have in place.

If you're having difficulty navigating the multiple menu layouts in Win10, I would suggest setting up God Mode. Easy to do and very helpful for getting around:
Sorry Timm, I'm stumped as to how I got this far... I first tried to setup a VPN on the Windows 10 pc.. I also turned off the wireless network - I was given a code - but I never entered that - couldn't even see where to.. I couldn't find any place I'd use that code seriously!! I tried the ''network diagnostic'' and it prompted me the only error might be my network wasn't set to ''private'' so I let it change this - then the mx2424 showed up - in the mxView ''network'' window - it even sees the project name which changes when I load a different project! MxView sees that much - it's just the edit window fails to open - it states ''connection failed'' Even the info in mxView for online/offline changes when I press the button on the mx2424 front panel.. I rebooted the pc too but same depressing results.. I'm lost on Windows 10 networking I guess..
As I said, I didn't enter any i.p. address for the mx2424 into the windows pc - so I guess it has just 'auto-detected' the mx which is the only thing connected via ethernet.. I'm lost exactly how to configure the ethernet network on windows 10 - that may be my problem..? God, every guide online is solely concerned with internet access, or assumes previous knowledge!! It's a royal pain :-(
OK. Good info to have. Maybe I can help, but I'm not using Windows 10 machines for any of my rigs (Win7 Pro and XP Pro only).

I think not setting up a static IP might be the problem, though I can't be sure. All the documentation for the 2424 software (MX View and the older ViewNet) mention setting up a static IP, going so far as to outline the steps for doing so on Windows and Mac. So I would start there. I'll talk you through the steps I've done in the past, but it will be helpful for you to have the MX View manual available as well. It's been awhile since I did it and I might miss something. Also, keep in mind that Win10 appears to have all the same functions/features of Win7 (with extra bells and whistles), so the set up should be the same. (My Win10 laptop has all the same network setup screens I see in Win7.)

Start by setting up the IP address/networking addresses on the 2424 itself. This is outlined in the manual. If you don't have them, you can get them via the address included in the READ ME file of the MX View folder you downloaded from my Dropbox.

Once that's done, you'll set up a NEW Ethernet network on your computer which you will use exclusively for the 2424. Set up a static IP for the computer on this network, making sure the address is different from the 2424 (e.g. 2424 = / computer = You're not looking to connect to the Internet here, only the 2424!

Once you've done that, reboot the computer while leaving the 2424 on. Let me know what happens.

I should note that the MX View computer in my studio is XP Pro and I have two networks set up on it - a wired Ethernet connection for the studio and associated 2424s and computers, and another which accesses my home network via Wifi. If I want to access the home network to move files to and from my writing room's computer, I need to disable the studio network to do so. A weird little quirk that I imagine has been fixed in later versions of Windows. Perhaps not.
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Thanks Timm, I pondered over a beer or three and convinced myself that it was the 'static' i.p. address issue - yes once I'd read that the default windows setup is a dynamic i.p. then I got it.. There are adequate instructions online for changing to a static i.p. - I believe the Tascam basic mx2424 manual to be slightly 'presumptive' because it only mentions setting i.p. address & the thingy.. In fact one has to enter all the fields in Windows tcp/ip once you go 'manual' if that makes sense? I set the default gateway to the exact mx2424 i.p. address (and of course the actual i.p. address to one number greater) then I set dns server addresses to 8 8 8 8 and 8 8 4 4 - basically I copied the example online because they seemed to know what they were doing - lo and behold everything now works.. So that's Windows 10 to the mx2424.. I didn't chose to 'verify' after the changes because I wasn't connected to the mx and I think Windows would have claimed a connection issue.. It doesn't appear that one needs to switch stuff on in a certain order but I did have the mx switched on when I plugged the ethernet cable in with windows running.. I'm so glad I got a result finally thanks for the encouragement :-) Now I can study the mxView manual. By the way Timm, do you tie any editing to bars as per a DAW in mxView? It seems that that may not be doable..?? I can't see how the mx can possibly recognise a time signature or tempo..
Many thanks again Timm..
The online resource I used was - I tried to paste the exact link in this reply but that doesn't work.. I just searched ''how to assign a static i.p. address in Windows 10" in Google. The article covers Windows 7 thru 10 actually.
Hey Bill - so glad to see you've gotten it working. Well done!

As to editing to bars, I've never done that in MX View, nor do I think it's possible. It doesn't recognize time signature or tempo info.

All in all, the software seems a bit cludgy to me in many ways, but it's quite functional once you dig into it. Their "cut" system always struck me as odd, perhaps even a bit over the top in its functionality, but basic cut and paste is good once you get used to working with the software. Remember that you must always select what you want to be editing - waveform (they call it sound event), volume, or mute) - before starting what you want to do.

Theoretically, you could completely automate a mix in the software, though I imagine it would take a bloody long time to do it that way!

I've worked with the software for over 10 years and always seem to learn something I didn't know before when I re-read the manual.

I believe Alan has worked with the software longer than I have (and perhaps others on the forum as well), so be sure to take advantage of their knowledge as well!

Always here to help...

Thanks Timm, I'm sure the link above will be useful - for others! As far as editing goes, I'm reading the mxView manual before a few trial exercises.. All I effectively did in Logic Pro was to 'Arrange' audio events - ie trim or set start/end points, cut audio events for the purpose of perhaps sliding a section fwd or back a few clicks for better ''feel'' and I moved some parts to a different place in the song. Another thing I did was copying an event and pasting it again later in the song.. I never used to do much else - no time-stretching or quantisation of audio. It appears (I stand to be corrected) that mxView adds a small cross-fade as part of it's cut and paste functions..? That sounds a good idea in theory as the most common fine editing I did in Logic was to try and edit out clicks.. I think I will naturally change my working methods a bit - hopefully for the good ie record longer sections and re-record rather than spend hours comping but with luck the results will be sonically worth it..! Everyone that's used an mx2424 seems to rate the sound highly which is the real benefit
Sorry, had to start another reply, I think the only answer to the 'bars' issue is to record a simple guide drum track from which to arrange the song, in my case I do have a drum machine, but after the song is tracked - bass, guitars, vox etc., I might re-record the drums or add all the cymbals and breaks.. I guess that would be a plan..? There is a mute function I believe - I assume that individual audio events could be muted rather than removed if necc? The volume function looks interesting too - applied to individual audio events I mean..
Sounds as though MX View will do everything you need it to, albeit with a slightly different way of actually accomplishing those tasks. My main MX View editing work consists of comping tracks, cleaning things up, etc., and it's all easily done once you get the hang of the software.

The default crossfade is 10 msec. Very musical. You can get it down to 0 or up to 90 msec as well. The crossfade you have set on the 2424 is the crossfade that is used for cut and paste functions, so you can change the timing for various edits at will. For me, that's been useful for comping vocals and solos over the years.

Files are exported with the BWAV time stamp, so lining things up in another DAW is easy. You're likely best off muting tracks there, rather than via the "automation" in MX View. It would certainly be faster.

I've always stayed outside the box when mixing projects tracked on the MX2424. Currently using a DM3200, which is a wonderful match for the 2424 and a great desk all around. I think Alan might be using a Tascam 3700, but I'm not 100% sure about that.

Keep us posted on how you're doing!

Just thought an update would be in order: I have just finished tracking the basics of a new tune I wrote including some simple editing and wow! what a joy it's been using MxView instead of my daw: Logic Pro 9.. I am super-impressed with the musicality of the edits acheivable with very little effort: totally click-free 99.9% of first time cuts.. I love the ability now to reduce gain of individual events - that can save tracks of course, and the original event (if I'm using a copy) isn't altered! You can even reduce gain in a fade manner by using the front 'handle' within an event which is incredibly useful, I tried that trick in Logic and it never seemed to work.. I absolutely love the sound of the Mx converters and using MxView is extremely easy - even intuitive!! I'm so impressed that I'm buying a Glyph enclosure and a 18Gb scsi hdd. I might grab an Alesis LRC too. Very occasionally I have had 'eccentric' things happen, like projects not loading first try or the double press on the rewind not appearing to take the Mx back to the 'head' but really nothing to pee me off yet..!! Long may that continue, and thanks belatedly to Tascam and Timeline for a fine piece of real professional studio equipment! :-D
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