MX View with Windows 7

Glad to hear it's working out! Always here to help, if needed.

Did anyone ever get MX-View to fully work on Win 7 x64? I used the info in this thread (and from the old forums) to get it mostly working, but I never solved the issue of the pop up messages being unclickable (and therefore hanging up the computer).

Terry D.
Hey Terry D, For what it's worth (I have become very pragmatic and simply find a workable solution, when it comes to my studio..) I would - and I did, find a cheap PC with windows xp or older installed: I found an XP machine for $20 including flatscreen and this works fantastic with mx-view and I mean ZERO issues.. When you get the mx2424 and mxview working together at 100% the system is amazing - both the sound quality and as far as editing goes: I used Logic for years and imho mxview is vastly superior - there are never any irritating clicks to remove from mxview edits. Persevere Sir.. it will be worth it!
Just thought an update would be in order: I have just finished tracking the basics of a new tune I wrote including some simple editing and wow! what a joy it's been using MxView instead of my daw: Logic Pro 9.. I am super-impressed with the musicality of the edits acheivable.. Zero annoying 'clicks'.. Very occasionally I have had 'eccentric' things happen, like projects not loading first try or the double press on the rewind not appearing to take the Mx back to the 'head' but really nothing to pee me off yet..!! Long may that continue, and thanks belatedly to Tascam and Timeline for a fine piece of real professional studio equipment! :-D

UPDATE: Since using mxview to operate my mx2424 - and load projects etc.. I have not experienced any further 'eccentric'' behaviour from my mx - like projects not loading :-) Once one gets the hardware & software communicating the system as a whole is awesome.
I can see myself using an mx2424 with mxview as my main recording and editing tool for many a year to come - just hope mine stays working & reliable. I have a larger hdd ready to install as an external unit next week. Love this gear!
Hey Terry - I've been running MX View on a variety of Windows 7 X64 boxes since I discovered the installation method I outlined originally in 2009, I believe. I've used it on laptops with very little processing power, desktops from eMachines, Dell, and (most recently) a custom box I've built with an i7 4790k and 32GB RAM. I've never seen any pop-up windows such you mention, nor have I ever found any function MX View is designed to do that I cannot do in these installations.

What messages are you seeing that are unclickable? Perhaps I can help.

Just a note on English Billy's comment - I've got 2 old Dell boxes here in the studio running XP Pro that I have used to run MX View for many years. I see no differences in the way MX View responds on those machines compared to the Windows 7 boxes I use. That said, if you can pick up a desktop with XP Pro at a bargain rate (which shouldn't be too difficult these days), you would likely find the integration seamless, as this was the current OS when MX View was designed.
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Hi Folks, Having trouble loading MX View onto my laptop which is running windows 7. I had an old laptop running MX view on XP which has finally stopped working. Would anybody have the appropriate files on zip.

Sent via email.

Thanks Rob for your swift reply. I contacted timm via email, who was able to hook me up with the appropriate files. All sorted.
Many Thanks guys for your help.

Good evening,
My problem is since having a gateway router ( Arris TG1682G ) installed by Comcast, I can't get the MX-View to work. I'm running a Windows 7 machine( attached to the router). I've tried changing the IP address on the MX-2424; have tried uninstalling mx-view and re- installing. The funny thing is the mx-view page opens up and the machine bar in the Network Window is visible with all pertinent information, even the project name. But the main mx-view window is virtually blank with the section for the waveform information completely void of any graphics. Would obtaining the mx-view from Timmdrumm rectify this problem.

From what you said it is not clear if you opened the MX from the machine bar so that MX view knows which machine (even though you only have one) you want to operate MX view with. I can't remember if you double click on the MX in the machine window or select it and then open from the tool bar.
Thanks, Witzendoz, for getting back. Usually, I do click ( double click ) on the mx-2424 icon on the machine bar. In the past this has worked. Now, when I do that, the mx-view page comes up,but, parts of it are missing and accompanied with a connection pending notice, then seconds later I get " connection failed " error message.


OK Try this.

With MX view closed:

Go to the computers program files. C drive > Tascam > MX View , in there is a Clear Preferences icon. Click this icon.

Now try to connect again. I find clearing the preferences often clears problems when MX View gets confused.
Thanks, Alan! I've tried that, to no avail. Here's an attachment of what I'm looking at:

How did you install MX view? Did you do it by dropping the Tascam folder sent from one of us here into the program files, or did you try to install it from the download?

Good day, Tascam forum

In my last response I stated that I download the mx-view file. However, in order to drop the file into a folder ( per suggestion from some on the forum) I would need someone to kindly send me the file.

e-mail address:

Thanks, Alan, for the response. However, as far I could determine there wasn't a file in the e-mail you sent.

Tells me it's got a 2MB attachment, have you got a limitation on the attachment size? Or virus filter killing it. I'll send again as a zip file, if this does not work I'll try drop box.


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