LONG LIVE THE DM4800/3200 ! A useful Poll for Computer Models,Operating Systems,DAW & Firmware used with Tascam DM4800/DM3200


Apr 30, 2023
Gear owned
interested in DM4800
Hey folks, I was trying to gather some information in the interests of keeping my beautiful Tascam 4800 running.
I know this is a common interest.
I am currently using a 27" 2009 imac with High Sierra and Logic. The mac is getting very long in the tooth now.
What are you folks using? I m sure this could be a useful thread.
Trying to work out the latest useable tech is very time consuming, so if you come across this post please leave some data for everyone to reference.
Forgive me if a similar thread exists already, I couldn't find it.
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I use an older 2015 Mac mini with High Sierra for my DM-4800 era stuff - TMCompanion, Rockum’s DMote controller, etc.

However, it isn’t my DAW Mac as I don’t use my DM with FireWire - the latency was too slow to route external plugin effect returns back through the board without timing problems. My DM is loaded w 4 AES cards and TDIF to AES conversion and I run all the audio to and from the board and my recording DAW thru various MOTU interfaces, which can each host a DAW.

My main DAW runs on a modern Mac (intel though). I have a few other DAWs sync’ed up at various places in the studio to help w recording and writing. In addition, I have a Tascam x-48 I love to use for hard disk recording - and it is set up in parallel to a Logic instance running on a second Mac Mini with Catalina, that works as a 1:1 safety and editing platform.
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in 2022 I built an intel i9 12900KS P and E running at 5.2GHz and 4.0GHz respectively rack PC with HD touchscreen front panel 64GB ram No GPU. Samsung 980 and 990 Pro M.2. 2TB and 1TB drives.
I run a 34 inch monitor and the touch screen with the CPU. I put in a firewire interface and I'm using Windows 10 latest version with legacy driver for 1394 OHCI.
The mixer is the DM-3200 with firmware 1.72b4 I have the IF-AN/DM card in slot 2 and the IF-FW'DM Mk II firewire card in slot 1
I also replaced the LCD with the one from the UK Blue version and I also have the 2SEEMY mod kit installed for use with external VGA monitor. Everything works great!
I have a 2014 Mac mini running high sierra (10.13) that is usb connected to my 4800 to run TM Companion. I have another mini just like it that I could swap in if the current one fails.
Iirc there is a thread in the forum where someone describes a way to manually manipulate a later Intel Mac to work (don’t remember the exact details).
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Thanks folks, so there is hope then! MrM If I find that thread I will post a link here.
What is the latest imac anyone has running?
Keep the info coming folks.. I have a feeling this will be very useful for the forum later on.
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Gonna try and get the DM4800 working with MacBook Pro Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015 Monterey and maybe LUNA or HARRISON MIXBUS. Having trouble locating the required Thunderbolt to Firewire cable though.
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DM4800 here with three extra ADAT cards. When tracking mobile, they feed an old Alesis HD24, if needed there is a Clarett, which adds +8 channels on a laptop.

In the studio, there is an old Dell Optiplex with an i7-2600 and 12 G of RAM, bound to the DM4800 via an RME HDSP 9652. The Optiplex runs really well, but will be replaced during the next week by a contemporary Ryzen...
I run completely free Software, that means Linux (Slackware), with x42 and LSP Plugins, some Airwindows stuff and a few Chow plugins on Ardour.
NIce! You sound solid. Airwindows fantastic stuff.
In keep with this thread, I am planning a home-studio upgrade. I've been putting off because my DM-3200 has been at the heart of the workflow since 2008 and been through several PC upgrades (Its running smoothly with windows 10 / CubasePro 13). But I am also leaning towards switching from PC to a new M4 MacMini. All of this spells a whole new audio workflow. My questions is, has anyone integrated their DM's into a current Mac system or is this the end of the line?
@ebpsinc I am partial to PC's so all I can really say is If it isn't broke why fix it. I too am running my DM-4800 on Windows 10 Pro machine with a good CPU and plenty of Ram. Running Cubase 13 Pro and Pro Tools Artist. I haven't had any issues to be honest with you. Good luck with whatever path you choose. Keep us posted.
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I appreciate that vote of confidence and agree with the "not broke dont fix" approach!
"not broke dont fix"
I run an iMac in my studio setup that's so old that it was built when politicians at least PRETENDED to have integrity; probably about the time lighter-than-air flight was conceived of.
And it kix azz - runs oodles of plugins, easy to run, not a single freeze, brainfart, nuthin'!😁
@ebpsinc I am partial to PC's so all I can really say is If it isn't broke why fix it. I too am running my DM-4800 on Windows 10 Pro machine with a good CPU and plenty of Ram. Running Cubase 13 Pro and Pro Tools Artist. I haven't had any issues to be honest with you. Good luck with whatever path you choose. Keep us posted.
Peter, didn't you plan to go with Win 11 on your 'new' (well, relatively, I know) PC?

I still haven't bit the bullet yet to move to a new PC. But since the current hardware does not support Win 11 and Win 10 is left to its own devices this year, I guess I will have to take action sometime this year..
@Arjan P I am still running Windows 10 Pro on my Cubase 13 Pro PC. I am also running Pro Tools Artist. Everything has been stable from the get go so I am not that eager to make the move to Windows 11. I will consider the upgrade once Windows 10 officially hits EOL. I should add that I do run Windows 11 Pro on my Lenovo P15 Gen 2 laptop and I must say I have had zero issued to date.

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