LONG LIVE THE DM4800/3200 ! A useful Poll for Computer Models,Operating Systems,DAW & Firmware used with Tascam DM4800/DM3200


Apr 30, 2023
Gear owned
interested in DM4800
Hey folks, I was trying to gather some information in the interests of keeping my beautiful Tascam 4800 running.
I know this is a common interest.
I am currently using a 27" 2009 imac with High Sierra and Logic. The mac is getting very long in the tooth now.
What are you folks using? I m sure this could be a useful thread.
Trying to work out the latest useable tech is very time consuming, so if you come across this post please leave some data for everyone to reference.
Forgive me if a similar thread exists already, I couldn't find it.
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I use an older 2015 Mac mini with High Sierra for my DM-4800 era stuff - TMCompanion, Rockum’s DMote controller, etc.

However, it isn’t my DAW Mac as I don’t use my DM with FireWire - the latency was too slow to route external plugin effect returns back through the board without timing problems. My DM is loaded w 4 AES cards and TDIF to AES conversion and I run all the audio to and from the board and my recording DAW thru various MOTU interfaces, which can each host a DAW.

My main DAW runs on a modern Mac (intel though). I have a few other DAWs sync’ed up at various places in the studio to help w recording and writing. In addition, I have a Tascam x-48 I love to use for hard disk recording - and it is set up in parallel to a Logic instance running on a second Mac Mini with Catalina, that works as a 1:1 safety and editing platform.
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