I cannot record vocals on tracks 7 and 8 on my DP03SD?

Barry Sax

New Member
Jan 22, 2021
Gear owned
Tascam DP-03SD
Hi, I get signal in the monitor window of my DP03SD when I plug my mic. in to record but get no sound out of headset or studio monitors and it does not record my vocals on either tracks 7 or8 when I am in record mode. I hear my voice and I get signals from the other tracks when I switch to flashing red record mode.Why is this? Can I not record on tracks 7 and 8 are they only used to bounce tracks and not to record? I do not want to lose my instrumental parts on tracks 1 through 6. I wanted to save the vocals for last! Thanks!
Did not see a thing that would make it be different then any other of the tracks. I shut the machine off and then turned it on again. This time I could record and hear Track 8,so could of been just the recorder resetting itself. Maybe? That's electronics for ya! :)

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