How can I connect MIDIizer mts 1000 with Fostex r8?

Andrii Stoian

New Member
Apr 5, 2022
Gear owned
MTS 1000
Hello everyone!
Recently, have Tascam MTS 1000 and 8 track reel to reel Fostex r8. Thought about connecting these together (and make cables for that). Anyone experienced?
Advices are welcome.
That is mixing brands and while it may be possible. I have not known anyone to do it.
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I believe you need an IF-1000 to attempt syncing these or other tape related machines. If even possible.
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I was going to say you need to consult wkrbee to find this out and there he is. I have very little experience with this kind of stuff as we never dealt with it in Chicago.
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wkrbee Actually, there are two different ports(sync and serial), which can be connected to dedicated Fostex devices. But as long as I have Tascam sync, I wonder if there could be such one 'industry standard' with these type connections, means that we could connect every compliant device.
Honestly, I cannot tell. Those which is serial looks smaller than DIN, and has 8 pin holes. The other (syncronizer) is 20 pin port(10 + 10) looks somewhat like IDE port on PC motherboard.
I'll look further, if there will be any info on this, I'll update.
As pretty much a self-proclaimed sync expert with decades of owning ats500s...mts1000s etc and synchronizing every combination of tape machines/computers etc......

You want to synchronize a fostex tape machine to a Tascam or to a Studer or MCI or Otari via an mts1000 controlling?

There are scenarios for that.

But.......your question appears to be.... "can I use the mts1000 buttons to use as an autolocator for a single solitary Fostex tape recorder"?

The answer to that

Now, if it really is the case that you'd like to synchronize the Fostex and a second tape machine via the midiizer (or hey, maybe you want Pro Tools/Cubase/Nuendo to chaselock to 7 tracks of the Fostex)....these things are do-able in most instances with a midiizer in between..... just name the specific second machine.

I'll then give you the scenarios for specific sync depending on what you have for the second machine.
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BRDTS thanks for the reply.
My main aim is to sync it with Pro Tools and understand what functions of it can be utilized.
And... potentially syncing it with second tape machine(haven't got yet)
Won't work that way for Pro Tools by itself.

However, you can stripe smpte on track 8 of the Fostex, run the smpte line direct into your pt interface and then set pt to slave to smpte. Fostex would be master. No midiizer in the loop at all.

If your interface or pt version won't slave to smpte's say it only slaves to mtc....the midiizer could be integrated (possibly) as a smpte-to-mtc still wouldn't be using any mts1000 would just be a blind converter (similar to jl cooper pps).

On the other other hand, if your pt rig only slaves to wordclock etc, you'd be looking at adding, say an old motu digital timepiece to receive smpte from the Fostex to then convert to the necessary wordclock etc that your pt wants to see.

Now, if you ever decide to use the midiizer to synchronize the Fostex to a second tape machine (and make no mistake, Fostex must be the master) v-e-r-y sure the second machine you buy is a Tascam of some sort that specifically....specifically.....has an acc2 port on the back and ext sync knob on the front. That's the only way you can have the second machine (the Tascam) chaselock as slave to the Fostex via mts1000.

Let's say you wanted to have Fostex as master.....slave an a824 to it....via mts1000. It can be done. Even having Pro Tools slave to all that.

But in that scenario (which I've done years ago 8516b as master/824 as slave), you're now talking adding an if1000, two custom-wired umbilical cables for communication, an insane amount of time to get it to work....etc. a spinoff to could..with Fostex schematics, theoretically wire up umbilicals for tandem if1000/mts1000 units to get tach/position info from the Fostex to then help the midiizer tell a Studer to "chase" anytime the Fostex goes into ff or rew......but to do this kind of wiring circa 2022....for such limited just too crazy to get into unless someone was just doing it for the geek factor :)

A long post.....just to give a glimpse of the variables.
BRDTS thanks so much! I'll try to sync Fostex as Master to DAW, ore use it solely to record finalized tracks. I will keep mts 1000 for future potential gear updates.

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