DP-24/32SD Tutorial Videos Discussion

Do you have access to a second laptop or PC that you can test against? This could be a easy first step to narrowing down the problem source.
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I don't but it is a good idea- I am thinking of imposing on someone to narrow it down.
Not sure how your setup... but if you can't get someone to briefly lend you a laptop (where are you? - I've got 4 of them :rolleyes:)... maybe you can simply transport the DP-24SD to the alternate computer.
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I really don't know Dave. My DP-32 is connected through a USB hub (even though the manual says not to), but all I have to do is open the connection in the menu and my file explorer pops up in Windows 10. I highly doubt that your brand-new cable worked once, and only once.

I seem to recall that there is a setting in Windows 10 for how it should react to newly discovered USB devices. That might be where to start looking.
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Hey Phil,
I just purchased your step by step instructions for the 24sd, and this might seem redundant, but
I'm rewatching your tutorial videos, and in 8c, the track file one @10:35 in you're explaining copy procedure. I understand copy and paste, but how are achieving a split screen showing both original Music file and the one called archive. I'm using Windows ten
Bravohorn1 - I've just emailed the guide so you should have it by now - if not, let me know.
The split screen is just two instances of the File Explorer, or File Manager, whatever they call it nowadays! I think if you click the icon on the task bar while holding the shift key down, it will start up a separate window instead of re-using the current one. You can then resize & move the 2 windows as reqd. and navigate to different places at the same time.... makes it a lot easier if you can see both the source & destination when you're copying files around :)
That worked, and thank you phil. However, and I apologise if its simply my not applying directions correctly, but under copying master file it says:
1) connect SD card to computer
2) navigate to SD card, and open
3) open music file
4) see subfolders for each song
5) open desired songs subfolder
6) find master file (one with same name as song)
7) cut, or copy and paste into newly created folder.

When I get to step 5 all I'm seeing is two .sys files, and zz files. Nothing with the songs name. Here's pics what I get. Well for some reason it's not letting me upload. Thanks so much


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This shows you haven't created a master file yet. The ZZ files are fragments of your raw track recordings. You have to do a mixdown in order to create a master file (section 3.24). Section 34 shows how to mixdown. Just for completeness, the terminology sections 3.13, 3.15 and 3.41 explain all about Folders, Files and the sd-card contents/structure.
Phil, I would be lost with my DP 24 if it wasn't for your video's and your great responses to my never ending email questions. A man of great patience. I purchased your written manual and it is fantastic!!! Incredibly well written and easy to understand. I'm astonished at the time, expertise and your straight forwarded ability to explain things. I recommend anyone who want's to learn how to do any function on the 24 or 32 to purchase this well written and easy to understand manual. Thank you again for being so helpful!!
Sweet. I just got a dp24sd and was able to figure out the basic functions on my own but I’m sure I will find tons of useful info in these videos. I bought it to have a decent somewhat portable solution, to start just recording some voices for a podcast so dead simple, but I hope to get use of it for recording some music too. I think I’ll mostly use it for tracking then pull stuff into reaper. Just spending a little time with it was good. My studio mixer is an Allen and heath qu32. A fair amount of the interface is similar to that board. Qu32 is a monster though so no way I would lug that thing anywhere.
@None I use my DP-32 for tracking too, and export/import to Reaper for mixing with a console. Works great.
Great video series Phil. Even an experienced live sound and recording engineer found some great tips. We are never to old or experienced to learn new ideas, tips and techniques.
Thank you Glen, glad they helped, although I was a bit concerned to see your frustration with deleting mark points! The videos don't cover this, but the step-by-step guide does, if you'll excuse the unashamed plug :)
I have no affiliation with Tascam so if you decide to sell it, that's fine by me, but I would give it another chance. It's a complete studio in a box, so needs some time & patience to adopt and adapt your work flow - think back to your first time in the studio 'driving seat'!
The replies re. firmware and auto-punch are sound advice, but the way the unit handles markers in general may not seem intuitive, although this does not mean they are bugs - it's just 'how it works'. You have to locate *precisely* to the marker point in order for the mark button to delete it. Jogging goes down to 3ms resolution, but this is still not accurate enough (I guess the machine marks at the sample level), so you have to position the transport another way - all these options are summarised in the guide.
By the way, an alternative to punching is to overdub onto spare tracks and merge the good bits together via bouncing, muting or copy/pasting etc. These are standard techniques.
Anyway, hope you stay with it. Keep us posted.
In the light of current lock-down restrictions, the MP4 video tutorial file is now available as either a DVD or a 4GB download; full details here.
Both options include the 3 videos made after the first DVD was released (MIDI sync for 'SD' models, using dynamic FX on existing tracks and chaining dynamic FX together), so it now contains all 24 videos with a total runtime of 5 hours 7 mins.
The downloadable version is offered free of charge to existing DVD customers; contact me via email if interested.
There is also a printable time index for both the old and new versions.
Thanks to all for your continued support, and I wish you well in these difficult times.
To Phil Tipping, or whoever can help. I have talked with Phil before ,,Very helpful. Heres my problem....I was in the middle of recording a track, and the Tascam DP24 just stopped and produced a high pitch frequency in my phones.Every thing lit up. I was unable to stop it or use any functions either. I had to unplug it to make it all stop. When i restarted i
I was unable to load the song i was working on. It would say file error every time I tried to load it. The song is still on the song list, I just can't get it to load without the file error message coming up. I tried retrieving it by connecting to my laptop and going to DP 24. But I can't get it from there either. Have I lost all of this song< or is there some way to get it to load, without the file error message coming up?
Hi Vinnie, various solutions are logged in the forum. There's no magic bullet so it would be a very long reply to describe them all here. Some suggestions are in the sticky 'Equipment Related Tips' posts at the start of this forum, e.g. post #9 in this thread, but if you search for "file errors" or "sd-card errors" you'll find many more (make sure you click the 'Site Results' tab when the results appear - the default display is 'Google Results').
Faults like this are invariably caused by the sd-card itself or the use of out-of-date firmware. Other posts in that sticky thread give advice about these.
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