DM3200 + HUI banking question

Checking my setup without cc121
In my Cubase 9.40, after 1-24 on my US2400, it banks in sets of 8 across both of my cascaded DM3200’s. Must be a Steinberg thing which is why it does it both in Cubase & Nuendo but can be changed in PT.
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Interesting - well if anyone finds a solution for Cubase I'd like to know. Though I don't use the remote layer that much, it would be nice to have it working the way it should. Thanks for testing, Charlie!
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From what I am gathering from Cubase forum, it sounds like Cubase only banks 8 channels at a time. I’ll keep digging but I think that’s the final answer. I don’t see a problem with that. Why is that an issue or am I not understanding a scenario that makes this an inconvenience?
@cmaffia You said: Why is that an issue or am I not understanding a scenario that makes this an inconvenience?

Not an issue, except for the fact that if you select bank 2 you would have to ignore the first 8 faders in order to control track 17 which now appears at fader 9. I just find that to be somewhat counter intuitive.

And, thank you for making the effort of testing this out for us. Much appreciated. Peter
I would say it is and issue since the expected behaviour does not occur. If you have 16 channels under remote control the logical thing with banking is that the next 16 show up, not the next 8 and the others move to the left.

But like I said before: the easy workaround is, to push the button twice.
I will write to one of the Steinberg Dev team members to get a definitive answer.
I asked a Steinberg contact about the behavior we've noticed with Cubase and the Remote Layer. I noted that Pro Tools had a setting to fill the banks and if there was a similar setting in Cubase. I will provide an update when I hear back.
Hi Charlie, all good here, thanks for asking

Hope you're doing also good?

Frankly speaking, I don't know, this is not properly my area.

I'm going to forward your message to the QA control surface specialist and the pro audio tester at engineering.
They should know if possible or not.
I don't think that "fill banks" is what you are looking for (that was something more specific to the issue I was seeing). What you guys would be looking for is banking appropriate amounts of banks for the amount of control surfaces that are setup, (i.e. DM3200 users would want 16 banks aka 2 controllers, DM4800 users would want 24 banks aka 3 controllers).

Fill banks would do things like if you had channels 1-17 used on a 16 channel controller and you push bank right with "fill banks enabled" you would then see ch 2-17 (where as with proper banking you would see 1-16 and then 17-32 when banking).
Yes, that is what I communicated to Steinberg.

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