DM3200 + HUI banking question

@cmaffia With all due respect I cannot locate the Cubase or Compatibility mode setting. And, from the screenshots that I provided, does it appear as though my settings for Mackie control are incorrect? Thank you
that's because I realized it wasn't an option until 7.0 and why it has more to do with Cubase/Mackie setup if anything.
Looks right to me. Maybe its your project? Did you do alot of groupings?
Can you create a new project and create 30 mono tracks without even having to record anything and see what the results are?
@cmaffia That is exactly what I did. Created a new Cubase 5.1 project / 32 mono tracks / no groupings. All I did was import 23 mono tracks with stereo output to channels 31 & 32.
I'm suggesting create a NEW project with 30 mono tracks and don't import audio.
Just created a new project with 30 mono tracks. Remote layer as follows:

First bank controls tracks 1-16.
Second bank controls 9-24
Third bank controls 15-30
Something just occurred to me. I also have my hardware based DAW (Soundscape ReD32) hooked up to my DM as well via the TDIF connectors. I have the remote layer working with it via HUI Emulation. I get exactly the same results as I do when using the remote layer in Cubase.

First bank controls tracks 1-16.
Second bank controls 9-24 (instead of 17-32)

Now, I could be wrong of course. But. wouldn't that indicate an issue at the DM end and nowt how the remote devices are setup in the respective DAW's
Something to try if you haven't done so already, but what if you tried the setup with just the generic 16 HUI Emulation (instead of the Steinberg specific one). If everything is behaving the same way though it does sound a bit strange. Is the console up to date with latest firmware?

It can be hard to troubleshoot stuff like this, especially with very old software versions. I'm still thinking there's some sort of banking preferences hiding somewhere in your old version of cubase (like what happened to me with my original post for this thread).
Disconnect your red32 and see what happens first. I never had this problem with 5.5. In fact 5.5 was the Cubase version I was using when I got my first DM3200.
@cmaffia I am using Cubase 5.1. I may have mentioned 5.5. That was my mistake. This happens when my ReD32 is powered off. Have been strictly using Cubase for a while now. Should I be posting screenshots of my firmware version etc.
It would be good to check the firmware version and just make sure that it matches the latest release, but ... I read up a bit on the Mackie Control protocol last night and in terms of banking it seems like it's all up to the DAW on how it handles it. The protocol is dumb for lack of a better word, it basically just says "BANK" when you push the button and everything else is at the mercy of whatever receives the bank command.
Actually I started on 5.0. Have you tried removing the red32 from the equation?
@cmaffia Red not powered on. PC on (Windows XP) , Cubase 5.1, and DM powered up. Attached four more screenshots. Don't know if they are of any use however.


  • Utility System.png
    Utility System.png
    5.8 KB · Views: 24
  • Machine Control List.png
    Machine Control List.png
    7.1 KB · Views: 17
  • Project Synchronization Setup.jpg
    Project Synchronization Setup.jpg
    56.2 KB · Views: 21
  • MIDI Port Setup.jpg
    MIDI Port Setup.jpg
    118.4 KB · Views: 20
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Your mixer is definitely running older firmware, it shows 1.60 there and the latest I think is 1.72. I would start by trying to update to latest firmware! You can find the link to the very latest (beta with all fixes) in a thread here (one of the pinned ones that talk about latest driver updates), but here's the info again just to be safe:

Username : iffwdm
Password : firefly
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@Gerk Thank you. Let's see if that clears things up for me. I'm making my way over to the sticky as I speak.
@Gerk Update: I updated to Firmware V1.72b4. The update went well but the issue that I was having with the banking remains. I may have mentioned that I installed Nuendo v.4.x that I had kicking around and that didn't change a thing either. Back to the drawing board!
Ya sorry, at this point I'm at a loss. If it happens with everything you would think it's some setting on the board itself, but danged if I know where it could be.
@Gerk not to worry. Your input has been greatly appreciated. There has to be a logical explanation. Have a safe and wonderful day. Peter
Hey Peter, I don't know Cubase at all and have never used it, BUT, did you happen to read post 6 from Gerk in this thread. He found and resolved his problem in a PT setting that allowed the user to " always fill the channel strip when banking" and it makes me wonder if there might be one or more similar banking settings in Cubase. That also parallels cmaffia's suggestion that it could be in the DAW. Prior to learning this about PT, I was quite sure Gerk's issue was with the DM, but I was wrong — it was in the DAW. (I think that it's also important to note that this is the first time in my life that I've ever been wrong — strange feeling, actually — never happened before — my girlfriend's protestations notwithstanding...)
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