Audio depot / export file too big ?...but my card is new

Glad it workrd out Bobby, and thanks for the follow-up.
Thanks for the follow-up Bobby. Tascam's firmware release notes confirm it was a bug fixed in V1.15:-
"- An insufficient space error would sometimes occur when exporting and importing even though an SD card had sufficient open space. This has been fixed."
Just out of interest, why did you only upgrade to v1.16? The Tascam site has later upgrades, so you're missing out on the following:-
V1.19 changes
- It shows "File error" on display during recording and the recording ends in failure sometimes.
This has been fixed.
V1.18 changes
- Operation stability has been improved.
V1.17 changes
- Operation stability has been improved.​
btw - you didn't say if you checked the first card with a computer (post #4)... it might have avoided buying a new one. Either way, glad it's all working :)
In fact, i downloaded the upgrade here :
installed the V1.19 several times in "utility" but each time the screen showed "no file update" so i took the prior one (on this page) and everything worked. I am open to install the latest one if you know where the valid version V1.19 is.

I happy to get finally the explanation, evenif i bought a new card for nothing (for the moment) ;-) . Thanks
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That's a strange one - both packages seem to be zipped up the same way. Are you sure you copied the exact file named DP-24_081.119 into Utilities? My machine's different so can't check - maybe someone else can confirm.
i am probably a bit dumb cos this time it worked well ! ;-)
The unit is now upgraded and everything works.

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Great news :) I would re-format your cards with the new firmware just to be safe. It's not 100% proven, but a few people had glitches after upgrading and found that a reformat fixed it... so just for piece of mind.
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Yes, it's too easy not to do it.

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