if it can be useful, the reference of the LCF cf X48 shop manual is LCD MODULE YELLOW/GREEN(56g) CV4202A-MY-GF-N6 / ...7010000942
(page 64 of the shop manual)
I find 1 chinese site who seems to have the part, see this page at line 17 (in chinese but you can translate the page in english on google chrome
see copy of the chinese page in english attached
all the best, pdeber.
(page 64 of the shop manual)
I find 1 chinese site who seems to have the part, see this page at line 17 (in chinese but you can translate the page in english on google chrome
-電子元件庫存品-Other 其他 - ARRIBA 真空管擴大機 | 電子庫存料件 | 70年專業經驗變壓器製造商-深受國際大廠信賴
冠球股份有限公司於1994年創立ARRIBA自有品牌,主要販售真空管擴大機及CD Player。此外,目前擁有大量電子零組件,如:IC 積體電路,DIODE 二極體,Transistor 電晶體,歡迎各大收購商及企業來電洽詢。
see copy of the chinese page in english attached
all the best, pdeber.