X1000R Speed Direction Refinement Mod


Feb 18, 2014
Chicago area
Gear owned
Teac, Tascam, Sony
Since I do not know if Tascam released a Auto Reverse reel deck- maybe some were made for broadcast in Japan, but I have found that in many of then there is this large difference between the forward direction and reverse direction with regard to speed. This is with all rollers oiled and capstan bearing oiled and clean pinch rollers and capstan shafts.
There has not been a way to correct for this until I came up with this mod that allows each speed and direction to be adjusted independently for pretty good perfection. This new board attaches to the servo board and is wired into it. So far the two cases where it has been applied have worked very well. My final design will employ multi-turn trimmers for even better control.
This can actually apply to most X series deck that are not the half track versions- the 1/2 track decks do not have reverse direction.
So far as I refine this kit, I have installed a couple more boards so that the design is refined. The use of a 10 turn trimmer has helped a little for accuracy. I think the new kit will make it easy for someone who can read and work a soldering iron to install this. I have to work on the instructions.
This is the current design of the part-
The X1000R Speed and Reel switches are now available in pairs $10/Pr plus appropriate postage. No longer a need to pay the guy on E bay $20 per switch.

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