Wishful LCD Thinking Comes to Naught

Ok I'm going to order a replacment screen tomorrow and document the procedure
And then there were 2 lines. I guess once it starts it just keeps disintegrating. Seriously frustrating. Like I said the previous owner had replaced in July of last year and started to get the one line in April..wonder if it is still under warranty.

Yeah I know I have the 2seemy card installed but that's reserved for when either the screen dies again or there are no more replacment screens available. Until then I want to enjoy a fully functioning setup.
Purchased....confirmed with Tascam. 90 day warranty on a $200 LCD :ugeek:
90 days!? Goes to show how much faith they have in this particular part...
Yep.... It's literally robbery. But this is my first screen purchase and last being that I have 2seeMy in both mschines
90 days!? Goes to show how much faith they have in this particular part...

That is an easy and common conclusion to jump to but that may not be accurate. As a developer I know that if a part is not being used correctly in it's spec'd environment, then it would not be the sole fault of the part, but how that part is used in the design of the product.

The display failure is likely related to heat, heat build up that was either not designed well enough to account for that heat, issues that were discovered late in the development cycle after released to manufacturing production or ignored as is in it might have been decided that we have used that display part in other products, already have supply and good pricing on that part so it's cheaper and more profitable to keep using that part then to design, source, test and keep inventory of a different one. If the part last longer than the warranty period, we off the hook for cost of repair or replacement. Yes, this is how bean counters of corporations routinely think in regards to a product's parts.

90-day warranty is common for electrical & electronic assembly parts.
90-day warranty is common for electrical & electronic assembly parts.
That explanation would hold water had this component had a different history! I'm not buying into that explanation for one reason alone...This was proven to be poorly designed component throughout the lifecylce of the DM24...so what did they do? They consciously used the same screen in the DM3200 and 4800's making it the one black eye of these amazing consoles. If this was a car it would have been recalled and retrofitted with an improved replacement part free of charge...period. Then charge $200 for a replacement? Well that was the final insult. No excuse for this..even for the bean counters.

Thankfully it is easy to replace on your own and even more thankfully is to have the 2SeeMy option if you don't want to be a sucker like me and spend $200 (because I am incredibly anal when it comes to having my gear working like new).
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I found a photo elsewhere in the forum that was exactly the shot I was looking for. If I'm correct, the screws and connectors I have circled are all that would need to be disconnected/removed to do the swap.

EDIT - After doing the actual installation, it's not necessary to remove the contrast leads on the left of the PCB daughterboard. You can let it dangle without issue.
LCD Replacment.jpg
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Yep that looks about right to me. Actually, I just looked up the few pictures I had made and it is exactly the same indeed. Only difference is that your flat cable runs differently with a 2seemy installed. I'll attach a picture:

Does that Winstar LCD work in the DM? I mean, similar to how the Tascam LCD 'works'? ;)
From what I've read and what Tascman had told me, it should.
I take the above statement back... it can work but with several hacks. It may be the screen we have in our units is a modified version and that is why no other exists outside of Tascam. I wonder if we can convince the inventor of the 2SeeMy card to make an interface board that would allow more widely available and reliable LCD displays to be installed. I don't think it would conflict with his 2SeeMy sales as many like myself bought the 2SeeMy card while having a working display. My reason for buying the 2SeeMy card was because I wanted the screen BIGGER. In fact, as I was writing this I emailed Wilfred at 2SeeMy to see if he would consider offering such a product.
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Got my LCD replacement today and popped it in rather easily. Noticed that the one I received has a revision B on the part number sticker which the one I replaced (which was a replacement as well) is not. Wondering if they made them more reliable with this B revision.
Improving a part or having to modify and compensating for a design issue or the lack of sub parts availability in a is one reason for a higher revision such as a Rev-B, but a higher revision doesn't necesaarily always mean it is because the part is improved or better than the previous version. It may just be a cost reduced revision (cheaper, often lower quality) meant to squeeze out more profit which sometimes means a part is worse than it was before in the long term. This often is true right before a product is planned or goes end of life.
Well time will tell as the original version was apparently $hit. Every photo I've seen of this LCD, replaced or failed, was first generation including the replacement that was installed in my slaved DM3200. I'm going to be optimistic and believe that this Rev-B is either improved or at worse, no better than its predecessor.
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I remember having also a different revision number, and looked it up: the original was PC-3224C3-2 and the replacement I got was PC-3224C3-2A. My guess is Rev.A got rid of the horizontal line issue and Rev.B improved things even further. I'm happy with no lines ;)

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