Will There Be Another Tascam Digital Portastudio?

Will There Be Another Tascam Digital Portastudio?

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DP-32SD is still cool. I'm giving mine to my son, and buying the new one for myself.
Very impressive, especially the 64x64 Dante interface built in! You can also add more channels via the 2 expansion ports, each 64x64. This looks like Tascam took some of the Behringer X32 and Wing consoles and built this as a direct competitor. It's a live sound console but with the I/O could be used as a studio mixer - however I saw no mention of either onboard FX and (more critically for me) automation. No mention of DAW control either, so this may truly only be useful for live sound. We'll have to wait for subsequent videos but this is quite a new development on the part of Tascam!

Edit: Did I miss anything about onboard FX? I'm going to look again.

There it is! 1:06
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Am I reading the specs right that recording sample rates are either 48 or 96 khz?
Interesting, if so...
Need to see the manual (other than for the remote functions) to understand what it's got in its first iteration in terms of editing, but no matter. Definitely a first-day buy, if one can be had...
I wonder when?
Happy New Year, All!
May your compressions be lossless!
(back to lurk mode for the time being....)
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And to think some users were saying that Tascam was dead after Gibson.
I wasn't specifically referring to any particular person @BazzBass. I don't remember who was saying that, only that some were. But this just goes to show that anything can happen!
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well, it's another Tascam line, but it doesn't answer the question in the title, 'Will there be another digital portastudio'
I'm in the school of thought that Tascam WILL make a new generation of P/Studio's, based on certain conditions: as home-studio recording (the bulk of P/Studio users) evolves, new design changes/features will become desirable/necessary to be competitive; just look at how they've evolved over the years, even from generation/iteration to generation.
These things are desirable and what it really comes down to is: can Tascam produce a unit that would adopt such features/capabilities - and most importantly, make money doing it? Remember, Tascam isn't in biz to make recording gear for us - they're in biz to make money (BY providing us w/gear).

Speaking for myself - I'd pay more for a unit to have certain features/capabilities that are designed out/left out in the interest of a product being financially competitive.
I of course understand that this is how business works - the company doesn't make money if the product isn't competitive/sells well, and people buy something else...but I think they often shoot themselves in the foot, from a product-design standpoint. I think the DP-xxSD series is proof enough of that...eliminating MIDI capability??? That's like selling electric guitars without an output jack or something like that!!!
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For my tastes its too similar to all the other stuff currently in this generation of mixers. Too many screens, and too little on the console surface u can do w ur eyes closed. Last, too few hardware digital i/o options. I use a lot of DAWs in my studio (one for each major “seat” in the arrangement) - but I dont want a DAW in my console, nor one as my primary multitrack. So on that front, the Sonicview is compelling.

I wonder if I will be able to buy one for $600 in 15 years, like I did w my DM-4800 :)

And I wonder if the then-standard networked audio will be as backwards-compatible as AES-EBU has remained :)
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A followup - Sonicview to me seems like Tascam’s reply to the Presonus Studiolive, in particular. Just as Studiolive seemed like a reply to the DM series.

and, a late ‘YES’ to our new forum!
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Last, too few hardware digital i/o options.
Yes, and more importantly (for me): too few hardware analog line inputs and even more so, only 2 (!) hardware inserts on both 16 and 24 channel units!

I must admit, having looked around for a possible replacement for my DM-3200 I did look toward the Presonus Studiolive mixers and they do seem much alike. Also with the missing features unfortunately...
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All those console manufacturers these days are banking on the customer buying a digital stagebox to go with it. The Behringer Wing barely has any analog I/O on the console at all. Hardware inserts are getting more rare by the day, too.
All those console manufacturers these days are banking on the customer buying a digital stagebox to go with it. The Behringer Wing barely has any analog I/O on the console at all. Hardware inserts are getting more rare by the day, too.
This ^ agreed... and it def affects the price point when u total up what u need for the right balance of i/o and routing flexibility and standing stability, MTR buss/direct and playback management, automation, etc.

I am definitely finding a lot of value w the right blend of modern and vintage networked audio, digital console, a/d/a and MTR options. For me, having access to the gear I worked on in my early working days as my personal gear now is really gratifying, and when I use the newer tech I do try to keep an open mind, more than an open wallet!
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