Weaker signal on 4 tracks


New Member
Sep 18, 2016
Gear owned
will by Tascam DP24 or 32
Hi everyone, after spending some time with DP32SD, just yesterday I realized mu tracks 1,4,6,8, show a weaker recording signal, about half the strength of other tracks 2,3,5,7 . Tested with a song from my work station, same conditions for all tracks. Contacted Tascam no reply yet. The unit is still under manufacturers warranty. Otherwise I love the recorder. Any ideas. Will try to reset to factory settings as per Phil Tipping suggestion. Anybody experienced something similar. ??? thanks
The first thing I would do is a hardware reset to factory settings. MENU/PREFERENCES/Initialize.

Then, I'd assign a single input to multiple tracks, good and "bad". Record your source. Watch the meters and compare. Then, in MIXER, set each one to the same output level ( 0 db). Then play and compare, again watching your meters.

Let us know how that works out.
thank you , will try this long weekend. Tascam responded but I have to call them and have their tech online. Will let you know the final resolution of this. Otherwise am enjoying the unit tremendously.

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