@Arjan P Its all good. I'm not going to tell you DAWs don't solve problems, because they do! I'm not going to tell you there are no scenarios where a DAW makes more sense than a portastudio, because there are. I'm not going tell you that some smart professionals don't use DAWs because I personally know some who use them.
I will say this,there are people who successfully and professionally record bands, trios, quartets, quintets, vocals, choirs, orchestras, big jazz bands, and concerts who don't use the DAW + general purpose computer. I can with certainty say that the majority of all records ever recorded in the history of recording were not recorded with DAW + general purpose computers. I can also say that if the DAW + general purpose computer recording solution were to totally vanish today, that musicians, sound engineers, recording engineers, producers, etc would still be able to produce high quality 16bit, 24bit, 96bit digital recordings.
In other words DAW + general purpose computers represent "a way to solve the recording problem" not the "only way". And its a matter of preference as to which you choose. I left DAW + general purpose computer behind a couple of years ago. I had even become quite proficient at it, but it was the best decision that I could have made with respect to my recording needs. Obviously you have a different work flow that works for you. That's kewl. Whatever works for you
But it is a mistake to try to convey that for a certain level of quality, or complexity you absolutely need to have a DAW + General purpose computer, because that's simply not true. There are always more ways than one to skin any kind of cat. The recording process is no different. And I've seen some very elegant recording workflows using dedicate portastudio solutions.
Its not the tools that make the man. Its the man that makes the tools. I've been able to get it done with Tascam DP 24, sends, returns,aux's, 1/8, 1/4, XLR jacks and the appropriate outboard gear. DAW's, VST's and General Purpose computers are just not in my work flow any more and good riddance

. I've found out how to practically, efficiently, and cost effectively solve all my recording needs with dedicated midi recorders and dedicated audio recorders, midi cables and audio cables.
I've found that it allows me to spend more time composing, arranging, learning new repertoire, getting better on my instrument, honing the relationships with my audience, and execution of my performance.
If the DAW thing worx better for you tally ho

But the best arrangers, producers, composers, conductors, sound engineers and recording engineers in the world were making and winning grammys before anyone knew what the acronym DAW represented

And some of them continue to do so now after strong exposure to the DAW .
@Arjan P DAW + personal computer is a matter preference, not a matter of necessity. And contrary to popular perception they are not even always a matter of convenience, because sometimes the work flow is easier on a DAW and sometime the work flow is easier on a portastudio. Sometime the work is almost impossible on a DAW and sometime the workflow is almost impossible on a portastudio. Its a matter of personal preference.
But the vendors, Avid, Steinberg,etc are currently involved in a full court press to exude the notion that DAW + general purpose computer is the real center of any professional recording project and that my friend is simply fake news