Using Mono switch on Tascam MK2?


New Member
Mar 6, 2015
Gear owned
Tascam US-122 MK2
Hi, new member here. I bought a Tascam MK2 last week and got it up and running with Reaper. Now, what is the best setting using that strange MONO switch, i.e. off or on when recording let's say drums, then overdubbing with guitar and then vocals?

I have read every thread I could find on the Net, poured over the manual but still can't get a grasp on its function. So, am asking for your help in figuring out how to use it properly as it is best to iron out this wrinkles early on in any recording process. Thanks for listening and assisting, psongman
Well, I recorded with the Tascam all day, went well, until I knocked something and that noisy thing began that you read about all over the Net, but, unplugge the USB port and then back in, all went away and on my way. Something is seriously wrong for this to happen to so many usb users.

Anyway, using the MONO switch does do some interesting things...but I believe it sums some of the incoming signals...if you click on mono in Reaper it sends it to the L or R, this is really different for every interface. However, this can be a Godsend because most guitar parts are doubled or overdubbed to the other side, and vocals, usually somewhere down the middle like the bass and some drum parts. I do like just sending the outs to my speakers, so I can hear it in the headphones and through them...just turn off rca outs when recording. Well, hope someone can still chime in with words or wisdom about what the mono switch does, for example, to achieve better results, DR
Anybody ever reply on these forums? Close em down if no one wants to assist,
Here's a better idea... mind your manners.

If you haven't received a reply, it's because no one has, of yet, had an sewer to your question, if your stream of consciousness posting is, in fact, a question.

You've figured out your own answer about the "weird" MONO switch, and are complaining about a USB transfer problem (that probably has more to do with your individual USB chipset or cable than the Tascam unit) that none of us can solve.

And then you get snippy when nobody answers?
yeah, this usb interface is loaded with usb interference problems. We have narrowed it down to the unit and for recording it is very unstable. When it is working well, you can get a lot done, then it starts to fizz or not start right away when you hit play on the keyboard or use your mouse in your recording program, which for me, is Reaper. I can't imagine what it would be like in other proggies, as another tidbit, Reaper uses the least amount of resources compared to other recording programs. Well, back to laying down some tracks, hope I can get my hardware to cooperate with the software, psongman

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