USB Input in Model 16?


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2020
Gear owned
388, MR16 1" tape,
Hi all, What exactly is this USB input port for, for recording directly from a guitar amp that has a USB output?
Thanks in advance.
Well... it's not an USB "input"... it's an USB OUTPUT which you would use to connect with your PC/MAC and DAW. And it is meant to work as an audio interface between Model 16 and your DAW so you can record directly into your DAW through Model 16, and to transfer files/tracks/songs to and from the Model 16/SD-card and DAW etc.
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Thanks Freebird,, So in using the USB output of a guitar amp, would necessitate some sort of digital input of the MTR? I'm await delivery of my Model 16, & trying to find the best way to get some late night recording in w/o getting das boot! I realize this is the wrong chat, but what Rockman-like devices are out there that have flexibility & fantastic OD, if you or anyone else knows of?
Thnx, Kenny
Your USB connector on your guitar amp probably (read the manual!) is for one (or more!) of these things:

1) Your amp may have firmware, software, or other things which can be updated using USB
2) Your amp may be able to act as an interface, so you may be able to plug it into a computer w/ a DAW and record guitar without an additional interface (note that this does NOT necessarily mean it will work with an iphone)
3) Your amp may have the ability to work with external processors somehow, using the USB cable.
4) Something else.

It seems pretty unlikely that you can plug your amp into the T16 (edit: THROUGH USB), mostly because you don't have any way on either side to make the connection setup.
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Depending on what kind of outputs you have on your amp you CAN get the signal directly in to Model 16. If there is a "line out" on your guitar amp, that's where you plug in a balanced(TSR) or unbalanced(TS) cable and connect the the other end of the cable to Line-In on the Model 16.

I have a Line 6 Spider V60 Modelling Amp, and on that amp I can use the "headphone" jack to connect to my Model 24.

I also use an old Line 6 Pod II Modelling device which I plug my guitar into and then plug the POD II directly into Model 24. This one is a bit like the Rockman, only bigger and with more amps & cabinet choices.

In both of the above examples with the Line 6 devices/amps I can record and play with amplified guitar sound direct into Model 24 without my neighbours losing any beauty sleep. And saving me from getting evicted.:rolleyes:

But you can also plug your guitar directly into Model 16 and record a "dry" signal without any amplification, and then add amplification from inside your DAW using different guitar VST's.

Sometimes I also use a DI-Box (Direct Box) where I plug in my guitar and then split that signal in two signals where one go direct (dry) into one channel on Model 24. And the other signal go into a guitar amp where I record the amp sound live with a microphone.
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Thanks & I get it. I'll need a Rockman style device. What's out there these days that is really fantastic for all sounds, especially with OD sounds?
Thnx again~
Thanks a million, FREEBIRD~
so, sort of tangential, maybe?

just got a Model 24 in. not getting any sound coming out the speakers from any source sent from inside my Windows 10 computer. i use Live 10 as my DAW, MusicBee as my MP3 player and Chrome as my browser. the Make 24 is selectable as the audio interface for every app i've tried, every audio producing app shows up as sending sound in the Volume Mixer, but no sound hits my speakers connected to the Make 24.

every hardware synth i've run into the channels on the Make 24 monitor to my.... monitors... perfectly.

i'm sure i have a setting weird.

i tried on channel 21/22 to set it to PC in the Mode selector, but still no sound.

any idea what i'm doing wrong?


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If you like your amp, check your amp for some sort of output (many have one). Depending on what level your output is you may be able to plug directly into the tascam. If in doubt read the manual or ask a pro.

There are so many combinations of amps and pedals and processors it is hard to summarize especially without a price range. Best bet is to go in early AM (empty) to a store, with your own guitar, and see what you like.

The basic choices, outside computer stuff:

0) Guitar amp / head which just makes the sound you want; since you mostly want drive this probably exists if you can afford it.

1) Standalone pedal designed to be run into a guitar amp (i.e. an overdrive pedal like the Boss SD-1)

2) Multi effect pedal, more than one effect in a single (usually more expensive and complicated) pedal.

3) Standalone processor/effect which is capable of modeling BOTH the effect AND the amp/cabinet (essentially a higher end, more capable, "multi-effect" pedal) and which can then be run directly into a PA system, studio recorder, or your Tascam; you CAN run these into a guitar amp should you choose but you do not HAVE to do so;

4) A digital guitar combo or head, like a Line 6, which will combine #2 or #3 with an actual amp.
annnnnnnd maybe it just doesn't work on 21/22? i tried the same settings on 1 it works fine.

it's even letting me pan the signal.

that's pretty awesome if i can use a signal channel to do the stereo of the computer audio return.
i tried on channel 21/22 to set it to PC in the Mode selector, but still no sound.

any idea what i'm doing wrong
If the 24 is like the 12, then there are many potential inputs to 21/22:
a) Normal line inputs
b) USB input--see switch next to pairing button
c) A small 1/8" TRRS port on the back for iphones.
d) MTR playback
and, possibly (I don't know the 24)
e) SD card WAV file playback.

My first thought is that some of the inputs may automatically disable other inputs when in use. Do you have anything else plugged into any of the 21/22 inputs while you are trying to use USB?

Second thought is that you also need to designate channel output properly from your DAW. Have you done that?

that's pretty awesome if i can use a signal channel to do the stereo of the computer audio return.
Regarding channel 1: that's a mono channel, You are either outputting only half of your stereo signal, or you're outputting a mono version. Either way, Channel 1 can NOT carry a stereo signal.
(You can test by panning any playback hard L and hard R in your DAW. If something disappears when you pan to one side then you're sending only a L or R channel. If it doesn't change you're sending a mono mix of both channels.)

You can pan the Channel 1 assignment as you like in the main mix, to make it send more or less to one side of a stereo mix. If you leave pan at center you'll send equal amount to both sides. Either way it remains a mono signal.
that makes sense with the NOT STEREO YOU DOOFUS JUST PANNABLE MONO. i'll run some tests tonight.

other mixer/USB interfaces i've used (loved the Presonus AR16C, needed more inputs though) they show up as Mixer Name 1 And 2, with the Tascam it doesn't have channel designations. i think? lol. something else i'll check when i get home.

i had nothing plugged into 21/22, the Mode button flicked to PC. that stereo channel DOES have a ton of options, i had Bluetooth turned on and nothing plugged in, no sound from the PC. i don't mind using 1 and 2 if that's how it works, just with the Presonus and Zoom i had previously, the last channel was for PC input levels, so i thought that was a standard.

thanks for the pointers! will check those tonight.
Check your audio setup in your computer to make sure the audio output is set to 21/22.
where would one do that? only settings control i can find is the Tascam thing, and all it does is let me select sample rate.

in Windows, under the main sound settings, it just shows up as one selectable interface, no channel options.

@Ben Humphrey-Otárola I'm pretty sure that while you should be able to route whatever tracks from the DAW to channels on the console with ASIO, that may not work with Windows PC audio (not the DAW's audio). It's likely that with the Windows standard drivers, the PC audio is going to be on channels 1 & 2 of the console. But, if you click on the speaker in the system tray, it will open a pulldown menu that will tell you what outputs are available (if any).
yeppers. i checked there. don't think any channel options showed up.

i don't mind using channel 1 and 2, i might actually prefer it. the Polyend Tracker has an 1/8 inch stereo out, so i can avoid splitters by using channel 21/22 for it.
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Blue MonStar - not cryptic at all! thanks for the help!

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