US-1800 16x4 Not Showing Connected

Owen Rummage

New Member
Oct 13, 2019
Gear owned
Tascam US-1800 16x4
Hey all! I want to preface this with that im only 14 and do not have a lot of experience with high end audio equiptment the only audio interface i have experience with is the Scarlet Solo. So just recently had a uncle of mine give me a Tascam US-1800 16x4 USB2.0 Audio Interface. I plugged it in last night and tried to install the drivers and it gave me this error [ERROR: Timeout] 0x0005. I went to device manager and the unit wasnt showing as if it was even connected to my laptop (A Thinkpad T440P). I noticed that the USB indicator was lit up orange even when i had unplugged the usb cable from the unit. There wasnt any noticeable smell of burning or sounds coming from it nor was it getting hot. Ive been looking online and i have found people reporting it giving an "usb port overheated" error but i am getting nothing of the sort. If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated. I am installing driver version 2.07rc1 on Windows 10 Pro Build 18362.356 Version 1903.
Hi Owen, sorry to see you never got a reply.

I just joined as I have exactly the same issue, except I'm 66 years old :)

My us-1800 has been working great for many years, along with my Mac mini late 2012 model.

Recently, with the isolating I've got into stream music video on FB live and today I must have upped my game because my Mac was obviously getting hot (a lot of graphics processing), not something that's happened before. Might have something to do with sitting there with it's fan going, moving the dust around inside for the last 8 years.

With a few flashes of the Orange light, some crackles in the sound, it eventually stopped working.

All my 4 usb ports worked ok with my mouse and keyboard and iphone, which was good since my new one arrived today.

However none of them showed the slightest interest in my beloved Tascam US-1800.

I tried all the drivers and followed all the instructions but to no avail.

That's where I found you.

The Windows 7 OS is obviously on my BootCamp partition and now has a little trouble booting from time to time, since the Tascam issue.

I'm guessing the insides of my Mac are partially fried.

I guess I probably need to buy a new PC but I would like to try and fix it, if that's feasible.

Anyway, glad to have found you and hope you had a successful outcome.

All the best!

Kind regards,

Hi, did any of you ever find a solution, I am having the same issue :(
>Hello: I have the same proble, Tascam US1800 doues not connect with my PC in Wondows 11. Does anybody have a solution?
Thanks a lot,

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