Unplanned Punch In/Out, stutter


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2016
Gear owned
I’ve been watching this forum for years and have extracted all kinds of great information here. I’m hoping that someone might have some insight into a problem that I’ve been having for about 6 months. My DM4800 was purchased new whenever they first came out. I’m using 2 ADAT cards, the FW card, and the meter bridge. All software is up to date. The DM is interfaced with Logic X on a Mac Pro Desktop running OS 10.10.5.

I have a problem where Logic tracks in Record will “pop out” of record for just a few milli seconds and then go back into Record. There is no audible indication that there was a glitch, but, my Record tracks now display 2 regions instead on one continuous region; the system essentially punches out and back in to record, for just a few milli seconds completely on it’s own. In a 5 hour vocal overdub session I had yesterday, it did this twice. The size of the project, 5 tracks or 24 tracks does’t not seem to matter. The frequency is the same in either case. Logic will also “stutter” during playback for a second or two at about the same frequency, I assume it’s the same problem, I’m just not in record when it happens.

I assumed it was a Mac or Logic problem but after months of trouble shooting the Mac I have been unable to resolve the problem. I’m now thinking that the DM may be part of the problem. A few years ago I had a problem where during record Logic would suddenly jump to random locations. I finally pinned this problem down as a conflict with the internal automation on the DM. Even though I wasn’t using the DM automation, turning it off in the DM menu fixed the problem. I’m now wondering is a similar conflict is causing this new problem. If anyone has any suggestions for tales of similar experiences, I would welcome your input. Thanks
In case anyone else is interested, I've discovered that running the TMC software along side Logic doubles the load on the CPU per Logics's built-in CPU/Hard Disc meters. A weekend session had the same momentary record drop out issue several times. I could tell it was about to happen because Logic was having problems drawing the wave graphics for the tracks that were in record. Once I turned off TMC, everything seemingly went back to normal. I tested Logic for a few hours trying to induce the drop out problem, but everything worked well...as long as TMC was not booted.
Interesting, I've never experienced in Windows the TMC hogging resources. What are you using TMC for? If you have the MTC and meters going on at same time, I would recommend as a test diablong MTC. It sounds like there is a conflict going on between TMC and Logic.
Trouble shooting the MTC routing sounds like a good idea. I haven'y found any issue there yet, but I have made some adjustments to the DM's midi routing page to see if improvements arise. I used the TMC as an easy way to set/monitor input levels, I use the Infinite setting a lot. I'm going to try and change my work flow to use the Meter/Fader page on the DM, I won't be using TMC anymore.

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