Transferring tracks from 2488 to Neo 24

John Williams

New Member
Jan 15, 2015
Gear owned
Has anybody got a solution for this, please?
I have just got a neo and I am burning tracks from my old 2488 on to disc to restore on the neo. Some transfer fine but on a couple I have received the following message on the neo when trying to restore the song:
'Set a back up CD
Are you ready
Yes or No'
Whatever I press (yes or no) the song doesn't transfer to the neo.
Has anyone got any solutions to this problem
Not enough info. How did you save the songs? BACKUP? EXPORT? Do you have all the disks (you can't do a partial RESTORE) of a multi-disk backup? Loaded in the right order? The message from the neo makes no sense if you're doing a RESTORE.
Thanks for the response, sorry if I'm being a bit vague
Basically I had a completed song with tracks and master that I saved onto a disc via the data back up section of the 2488 using the option CD Backup.
I then tried to download the song on that disc on the Neo again using Data back up option and this time CD Restore. That's when the message came up.
I have managed to achieve this with other songs but I have tried several times to no avail on this one song.
I have just tried the process again and noticed that the message
'Set a back up CD
Are you ready
Yes or No'
also came up on the 2488 when the disc was ejected
Hope this makes sense
Hmmm ... did you use CD/R or CD/RW? Sometimes RW discs can be unreadable by machines other than the one they were created on, and sometimes are unreadable at all. It's also possible that the CD had not been "finalized" when you created it. This is all guesswork, you understand. It seems that neither machine is recognizing it as a BACKUP volume.
Thanks again for the response. I used CD R CDs. Any ideas on how I finalise the disc when I keep getting that message
'Set a back up CD
Are you ready
Yes or No'

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