TDIF cable - the old pain back again

Yeah, if you are just making TDIF runs from the DM to an interface with TDIF, that's right. Essentially #1 is just a DIY TDIF cable. Since I did this to split, I didn't use ribbons and I think ribbons might have a shorter distance limitation, but it is also something you can look into.

This site provides useful info, and the owner was very helpful as well when I had a few questions:

Example ribbon items:

The ribbon may be easier, but I was nervous about making mistakes and knew I had lots of cat-6 and that I could try over and over with the terminal screws.
Thank you very much, Rockum! You surely put some work in this - very much appreciated! I'd like to give it a try - might be my spring project :-D
Yeah, if you are just making TDIF runs from the DM to an interface with TDIF, that's right. Essentially #1 is just a DIY TDIF cable. Since I did this to split, I didn't use ribbons and I think ribbons might have a shorter distance limitation, but it is also something you can look into.

This site provides useful info, and the owner was very helpful as well when I had a few questions:

Thank you for all of this valuable information. Strange that you should include that first link as I too have been in communication with the site's owner. If I am not mistaken I believe that his name is Christo. As you may or may not recall I am a Soundscape ReD32 owner / user and have been a member of the Soundscape user forum for many years.

If we are referring to the same fellow I can tell you that he has been instrumental in helping out so many of the SSL community members. So knowledgeable. As are many of this forum's members. You included!
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This thread is still gold. Thanks Rockum and all!

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