TASCAM DP-32sd & External Effects

Yes, Lexicon 2 Outputs are connected to E & F on DP32. Other instruction is completed

let's do this real quick... press the "Select" button for stereo Track 9/10.... then Press the Mixer button. We're now looking at the Mixer screen for Tracks 9/10... scroll down and make sure that Send 1 and Send 2 are set to "Off".
I also lowered all OFF volumes, including the Masters. Is that ok? The Sends that I turned OFF are only ones I lowered the Master for. Lowered to zero.
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Yes. perfect.

Ok... so now...

1) arm track 9/10 by pressing the REC - that should blink red

Now it's just about getting all the different levels set correctly. This is where you'll have to go slow and carefully so we don't overload your effects unit.

2) set the input A trim knob so that you're just below clipping threshold... (no red OL light coming on at your loudest vocal)

3) press the "Source" button for Input A again, then press Mixer to get back to the Input A Mixer screen. Set the Send 1 "Master" volume (gray) at around 90-100. raise the Send 1 volume (green) also to about 90-100. Bring the input and/or output levels of the Lexicon up slowly. Bring the Track 9/10 track fader up slowly. Keep playing with all these levels... you should be able to hear (monitor) yourself now in headphones.

And you should definitely be getting a stereo effect when monitoring track 9/10 now assuming the Lexicon is on and set properly.

let me know...
Okay. Give me a little time to do all this, and I will get back to you with results ASAP.
Ok... Ima go feed my dogs... I'll check back in about 10-15 minutes.
Okay! Green knob set to 95.
Master (black) set to 95.
I’m getting plenty of effect, but quickly a feedback takes over. I have Source A Trim set straight-up.
I cut Mix B off if that’s alright.
Feed your dogs and I’ll see if I can get this to sounding better.
• 9/10 - Sends 1 (Green) & Master lowered to 50.
• Source A - The same.
• Mic has plenty of volume!
• Feedback is gone, so all it seems I have to do now is play with the Effects and volume levels. I’m also allowing for the fact that my Lexicon needs some tuning.
• If you anything else, please let me know. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you taking your valuable time to help me.
• I wrote every step down! Stay warm. : )
No. That's it. Now you just tweak things to your liking in order to produce the desired result that you're shooting for.

I'm no expert. This stuff takes practice. Period. Working with this machine is fun... and it becomes more fun the more you understand it. If you keep after it - it gets easier and easier.

I assume you have a stereo vocal signal (with effect) coming through now on Track 9/10?
Thanks David. I do have stereo with vocal effect, and what a relief.
What about getting the effect to record? Do I have to bounce it, etc?
You do not need to bounce. With Track 9/10 armed now (red light blinking).... simply hit the record button and you're performance will be recorded to track 9/10 WITH the effects.
WOW! This is a miracle! Thank you very much, and holler at me any time. I’m sure I will have other questions, but this puts me on the road.
Take care and we’ll bump into each other again real soon.
You could also "Assign" Input A to any unused mono track (remember that any stereo track can be converted to mono if you choose) and record the dry, "un-effected" vocal performance to that track. It would be the same performance that you recorded "wet" to 9/10... but it would be dry. In this way you get to keep the dry performance... and send it back through effect slater if you chose to. The possibilities are MANY.
You're welcome friend! Take care. I'll try to help when I can.
Thank you for the added info, David.
Asta La Vista, my friend.

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