Hi Waterstrum,
We've had these discussions almost every year, at least once or twice, so I will try to keep it short;
I'm currently using external hardware analog preamps in to the DM convertors.
Would I benefit from using the external convertors that you are mentioning?
If so, where do I insert the higher quality signal to avoid the DM lower quality?
You might benefit from it's use. Let me again put one thing out there. There is nothing wrong with the DM converters. They do the job quite well and should not be thought of as toys or trash that must be bypassed at all costs. You can make perfectly professional albums using your DM converters as many have. For me, the UH7000 offers a different sound that I like with built-in signal and clock circuitry that, I feel, does exceed the signal path of the DMs. Not to mention, the converters are new as of this year, and I think there might be something to that. Also, having 2 excellent preamps allows me to track directly into the unit and convert immediately, using it's aforementioned signal path.
For your routing, you could take the line outs of your preamps and hook them into the UH's line ins. The unit will then convert internally. Then, hook the digital AES/EBU outputs to Digital in 1 or 2 in the DM. Now you can send that DIN any where you want. It will remain unaffected, as long as it doesn't convert back to analog.
Also wondering about optimal tracking specs.....
Sample rate and bit rate.
I'm generally running at least 32 tracks of audio and a bunch of plugs and VIs.
Is all of your gear working well at the high sample rates?
Does it slow down your back up procedures?
Does it sound noticeably better?
All good objective questions that, unfortunately, require subjective answers. My likes may be different than yours.
I will say that recording at the highest bit rate possible is extremely important. I did NOT say Sample Rate. I mean 24bits or 32bits or 64bits. Really, anything over 16bit should really be a goal and I think 24 is recommended. Please don't ask me for the math behind that.
As for Sample Rate, I subscribe to the to the school of "record/edit/mix/master at a higher sample rate, for better A/D waveform reproduction, then down-sample to 44.1/16 for CD as the last possible conversion". I have been very happy working at 88.2. My DAW is set to record at 24bit and uses 64bit internal processing throughout. It offers many more bit depth options, but I haven't done a comparative analysis for any of the other audio bit depths. BTW, this has nothing to do with 32/64 bit versions of windows. I have a 32bit windows7 quad core computer that has had no problems with working at 88.2. I have had projects up to 50 tracks, although I typically don't use VIs. If I do, I will usually get them where I want them, then render a stem, so I am not constantly trying to struggle with loading the VI and having take up all my ram and processing power. I do use VSTs though, almost always on every track.
For backup, I will typically just copy my project folder, and all its audio files to a different hard drive. The speed of this is dependent on the hard drive type and interface. If I could afford large, Terabyte SSDs, I would use them. Right now, I have 4 WD Sata3 hard drives, all 500GBs, and they do just fine.
So much for keeping it short.