TASCAM 244 the head is moving and it doesn't stop


New Member
Dec 7, 2021
Gear owned
I replaced the belts and pinch roller and idler tires for my TASCAM 244 which I bought as broken one.

When I power on, the head starts moving and it doesn't stop so I can't put a tape in it.

Please check the video I uploaded on YouTube :

It seems the play button is working (the head holds the tape and it doesn't move).
When I push the FF/RW buttons, it works but the head doesn't stop.
And it seems the stop button is not working. When I push it, nothing happens.

Is it possible to fix this TASCAM 244?
If it's possible, how can I fix it?
I need your help!

Please comment if you have any advice.
Thank you for reading!
I know exactly what the problem is- That pot on the plate has a part on it called a joint. This is a plastic piece that is fitted on a knurled type pot that has a fork sticking out the front. This fork must go onto the rib of the cam gear- I have seen many a joints broken as people assemble these wrong and they are weak parts so they can break. I had a guy in NY area 3D print me some stronger designs and so this is what I put into the Cam deck with the pot feedback system. So you either have a broken fork or it is not assembled correctly. The original part looks like this-upload_2021-12-7_11-10-40.png
The 3D printed parts looks different and is designed to be stronger- I have not had one break yet. upload_2021-12-7_11-13-13.png
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That white fork on the pot shaft is suppose to rotate to tell the mechanism what position the cam is at. In your video it is not assembled correct so that the Mechanism controller does not know where it is at and so keeps on trying to go into play. If a fork is removed the stop position of the mechanism must be established. The way I do it is put the cam gear at stop position with heads down and then with motor off the cam gear turn the pot so that the motor stops. Then put the fork piece on the pot so that the fork goes on the cam rib and at that same exact pot location that the motor stopped. In stop mode the motor is in the rest position and the pot tells the system not to move as stop is a at rest position. Then when assembled right the cam will go to do what function is told to it from the keyboard. This same kind of mechanism is in the 122 Mk II deck. The cam gear has indicators on it that have a metal part pointing at where the stop position is at and is marked STP.
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Thank you very much for your detailed explanation.
I understood that the joint parts is needed to fix this problem...

Would you let me know where I can get this joint parts?
Or could I buy from you?

Thank you.
Well I may be the only one with a 3D made up one. I sell them for $7 and the Priority postage now is $9.20 in the US. Some postage outside the US was not only ridiculous but then they restricted First class due to Covid and do not deliver to many countries in this form of postage.
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Thank you for your reply.
I understood about the postage.
But I would like to buy that parts from you, so I will send you a direct message.

Thank you,
I am looking for the parts now and will advise you of if I can send them. The last time I tried to send gears to NZ they were blocked due to Covid scare.
Thank you so much!
I think it's able to send shipment to Japan now.
I wait for your advice.

Thank you.
@SkywaveTDR, Could I still buy this part from you? I'm having an issue with my Tascam 234, it should still work with it, right?

Thank you.

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