Tascam 238/MSR-16 sync accessories~

K Marksson

New Member
Sep 11, 2022
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Tascam 238 &Tascam MSR-16
New member here, on the hunt for something very specific. I've got two 238s that I currently synchronize via an ATS-500. With SMPTE to MTC and a MOTU 828, I've got a totally synced hybrid setup. The missing piece is a Tascam MMC-100 to control my new MSR-16 via my midi sequencer. I had one briefly a year ago, but foolishly sold it since it couldn't be used simultaneously with the ATS. Now it's the only piece of kit I need to complete my setup.

I know this is a highly misunderstood sync accessory, but I know exactly how it works. Unless there is something else or some work-around to controlling the MSR-16 via MMC (tape location, start, stop, record, etc), I'm stuck until I can get my hands on one of these units. Any leads would be much appreciated!
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I know how the mmc works as well but never saw a need to buy one. If your plan is only the mmc route, that's cool.

I do have ats500s and mts1000s, run a synchronized daw farm that also synchronizes two 24trks, an eight track and when needed, a sixteen track...all slaving to Cubase.

You didn't really say if your midi sequencer is software or hardware....or if it's driving the motu.....but....a few alternative scenarios.

Let'say your midi sequencer is software, sends midi clock/sync out via the motu......you're probably doing something like this....

computer daw/sequencer feeds clock to motu, motu feeds smpte or mtc to ats500, ats500 feeds the two tascams via acc2, with one machine as master, the other slave (motu master smpte).

One way to add an msr16 into the equation (everything else staying just as is), is adding another ats500. Or an mts1000.

Smpte out of ats500#1 into smpte in of ats500 #2. ats500#2 would only be configured with an acc2 cable from the slave-out to acc2 in on the msr16. ie, no master. mts1000 can work that way as well.

Hitting play on Cubase (or whatever), would then synchronize the three machines to the computer. Including framelock autolocation to whatever points you jump around to on the daw or sequencer.

An mts1000 would of course, give track arming. Which I sonetimes do, but most often, just arm from the tape machines' remotes which I have anyway.

That's just an example of an alternative way to do things that doesn't specifically introduce midi machine control into the equation.

There are several other non mmc ways to configure a 3-machine + sequencer sync'd setup as well. Or even by adding things like dtp units....which do pass mmc messages....if one is going that route.

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