@skier @Arjan P @Peter Batah You guys are unbelievable with help, have gone from ITB to OTB in a mere few weeks thanks to all info on here. I realise perhaps the post was unclear. But hoping this thread will be of use to many like me who picked up a DM at the now peanuts prices to find a treasure trove of potential and music production feels real again.
My setup is drum kit, bass and guitar racks, several vox, several keys going into 1-16 and all good, going into to Logic and no issues. I am using 16 inputs, via firewire card 16 channels 1-16.
Then, back from Logic, I have layer 2 channels set up 17-32 to receive "tracks 1-16" that have just been recorded from the above inputs. All good.
Layer 3 of DM, i have 33-42 available and used for further Logic tracks, and 43-44 set up for the DM internal effects 1, and 45-46 setup for internal effects 2. DM channels 47 and 48 I have the Logic DAW mix (ie the mix of all dry recorded tracks via DM 1-16) coming back via the final two firewire slots 31 and 32. All is good.
I would think this would be a common setup if you want to use the DM in conjunction with a DAW in a singer songwriter type setup.
I am hearing audio via the DM ie the processed DM channels with the onboard FX, comp, EQ etc, on layer 2 and 3, and the DAW mix is available via channels 47 and 48 as above.
However, and apologies for previously confusing posts... the last cog in the wheel is as follows:
How to return the finished DM mix (ie what i can hear in the monitors with all onboard FX, EQ etc ) back to the DAW?
If I route the stereo mix back via the output slot on any 2 slot channels, this creates a feedback loop. For example, I select output slot, and set Stereo L and R output to channels 22 and 23, then in Logic create an audio track with input 22 and 23, the result is not what i am hearing via the monitors.
In other words, what is the correct way to route the Stereo Buss from the DM to a DAW so that you can bounce a mix. There are lots of threads on this but i cannot find a definite answer other than sending the mix out to an external recorder.
This really is the final missing cog in my works, and I really think will help other new users, so any thoughts are hugely appreciated = am hopeful the above is clearer than the original post!