
Using a 2010 iMac i7 with Sierra, DM4800 IFFWDmk2, new version of Logic. Everything is working perfectly.
Strangely, after three full months of being forced to re-plug my interface several times a day...It works great now...
Um, have to retract. I don't reboot often, but after shutting down, I'm back where I was before. I've suspected all along that it's something different about Sierra sleeping ports, and it needs an unplug-replug to wake it up. I don't know how I got in a mode where that wasn't happening anymore, but I need to get back there...
Very occasionally I have to unplug/replug my firewire connection for the Mac and the IFFW to see each other. But it is seldom and I can't say what causes it. When taking a break from the studio during the day or evening I leave everything on and eventually the computer falls asleep, but only sometimes I have to reconnect. Using High Sierra here.
Interesting, thanks Marvel...

I'll dig a little more and see if I can figure out how to avoid the wake problem while still letting it sleep. I did do some checking just a bit ago, and I can recreate it every time by setting computer sleep time to minimum (one minute)—when it comes back up, my audio is stuck to the mixer, but works if I route it to display. SO no doubt it's related to sleep.

Console reveals "kernel IFFWDMmkII::RestartStreaming (sr 44100, clksrc 12, opmode 1)" when I disconnect then replug firewire, and audio to the mixer works again. Especially perplexing that it happened every time for months, then was working fine for a month (until I rebooted this week), even while sleep still seemed to happen normally.
Well, I had it yesterday again. And this morning everything was ok when waking the Mac from its sleep. :-)
Looks very random to me somehow.

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