you bstard! guess what JUST arrived? My two 80 dollar 300mbs cards I bought on your advice lol
Yikes. I'm not sure how to handle this...someone actually
listened to what I had to say, and
didn't consider it the mindless blathering of a drooling idiot. There must be some sort of new World Order taking place!!!
Anyway - sorry if I tangled your wires,
@BazzBass . If it helps: I stand by my contention that the ultra-high speed cards ARE "better"...not that they "handle" the data transfers any BETTER, but they ARE
faster. I consider this valuable, considering the DP's read
and write simultaneously. When connected to a puter via USB - FAST. When the DP is reading/writing to perform it's basic functions - FAST.
The quicky, COMPLETELY unscientific/casual experiment with the cheap-o SD card only proved to me that the DP
WILL function just fine with a less-than-ideal, not-Tascam-approved card...even if a bit slower, which I hate (I wanna keep going, not wait for my card to finish writing!).
BUT: I'm sticking with the SanDisk Extreme Pro's...and other than the high cost, I have NO quibble with the UHS-II ones. I have two, and if I weren't already eating cat food and Netflix-password sharing, I'd buy as many as I could afford, before they stop making them. It seems like 92% of what's available these days is MicroSD cards, which have to go in an adapter to be put in the DP...I'd rather use the correct card (full size SD).
Maaaaaybe I'll buy a batch of "normal" (UHS-I, 100Mb/sec) SanDisk Extreme Pro 32GB's...they go for US$12-15, whereas the UHS-II's are more like US$60!!!