Routing Outputs from Push 3 Standalone into Model 12


New Member
Dec 5, 2024
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Model 12
Greetings all,

TLDR: What is the most cost-efficient way to route 8 mono channels from Push 3 Standalone into 8 analog line-ins on my Model 12 (assuming there's no way to use the Behringer UMC1820, which I already have, to achieve this)

I've shopped this question on the Ableton forum and with my Sweetwater rep, and so far, I can't seem to get a clear answer to my workflow question.

I'm ultimately trying to route 8 channels from my Push 3 standalone unit to the analog inputs on my Model 12. I have an ideal setup for this with my MPC, where I use it as an audio interface to expand its channels through a USB connection to a Behringer UMC1820 audio interface. I then use the analog outputs on the 1820 to connect to the Model 12 (allowing me to use the Low Cut filter and Gain controls that I wouldn't be able to use if it were connected directly via USB from the MPC). This works perfectly for me, and all I'm trying to do is accomplish this same thing but with the Push 3 rather than the MPC.

The issue is that the Push expands its outputs through ADAT, not USB like the MPC. This apparently makes it impossible for me to use the UMC1820 as a "bridge" in the same way that I do with the MPC because even though the 1820 has ADAT connections, it doesn't seem possible to route the ADAT inputs to the analog outputs.

My research suggests that the Behringer ADA8200 could do this, but I can't seem to 100% confirm this to be the case, as most of the discussion is around its input functionality rather than on the output side of things.

I think the key is whether the eight analog outputs on the ADA8200 can be sourced from the ADAT connection rather than just being a thru for the analog inputs (the Scarlett OctoPre, for example, seems to have this limitation based on the Sweetwater description of "8 line outputs, fed from mic preamps.")

I understand the ADA8200 doesn't have mixing software, but in this case, it would strictly be used to route outputs/channels from my Push 3 standalone, which has a built-in audio interface and allows you to assign the outputs for each channel from there. Also, for what it's worth, the configuration I'm looking for wouldn't need to change (e.g., I'm fine to "permanently" have Channel 9 on the Push route to analog output 1 on the 8200, Channel 10 on the Push to output 2 on the 8200, etc.).

So far, my Sweetwater rep has only confirmed that the Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 would work (not that the ADA8200 wouldn't), but that's more than four times the price, which I want to avoid for this very specific need. If it were the interface for my studio setup that would be one thing, but Behringer will do just fine for my needs in this case, as long as the functionality is there.

Many thanks in advance for any insight or alternative suggestions!
2 of your proposed solutions involve Behringer equipment. While our Model 12 gurus ponder your Model 12 requirements on the Tascam Forums, you might want to pose your Behringer questions over on Behringer World.
Thanks, @-mjk-; I've done as you suggested. So far, I haven't gotten anything back anywhere except from another Sweetwater rep, who thinks the ADA8200 would work. That's, of course, a good thing, but it's still short of the level of confirmation I was hoping for.

One clarification I'll add is that while the ADA8200 seems to be the best solution so far, I'll gladly consider other options. The $150 price point is what makes it so attractive, especially since it would be for a specific use case, and the Scarlett 18i20 (the only recommended alternative so far) is just so much more at $650... But perhaps there's a good value to be found in between or the factors that make the ADA8200 so "cost-effective" would be detrimental in my case (e.g., the outputs really are "noisy" and would likely produce a noticeable level of hum when connected to the Model 12).
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For anyone interested in a similar workflow, I just wanted to confirm that the Behringer ADA8200 works perfectly.

It routes Push’s outputs 9-16 via ADAT through the XLR outs 1-8 (respectively) and into the Model 12 channels perfectly, without having to do anything but plug and play.

The upshot: The ADA8200 allows me to use all of Model 12’s features (including Gain and Low Cut) to independently control 8+ channels from Ableton Push 3 standalone, which is exactly what I wanted. Indeed, there was no need to spend hundreds of dollars more on a “better” interface with specs and I/Os I don’t need.
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