So, this is my recording room from north diagonal...
to south diagonal
And this is my control room:
Here is 3D-print to get you some orientation:
Now, as you already can see, I am short on space - never the less, you can make some beautiful music in here
As it came to acoustical treatment, I was kinda lost. The internet is full of half-truths, and sometimes complete nonsense. I couldn't go the long way and figure out everything by myself. As I said earlier, I lay my fate in the hands of some professionals in Berlin, and after all, I am very glad I did!
Since my "studio" is two rooms in my basement, I wasn't expecting too much, or better said: I was expecting quiet some compromises. And yes, there are some (no grand piano recording in here
), but I was certain of them right from the start.
So - here are my measurements, taken, when the rooms where finished, but untreated:
orange was my room response back than - blue was the aimed value of T60 recommendation.
And the same for the recording room:
After the acoustical treatments I measured again. company. This are their results:
and the recording room:
All in all, I can't complain
Peter, I really dig your photos - you gave your room a nice touch, and I really like your choice of finish for your absorbers, the carpet and lighting! This looks like the kinda place you want to be when recording - nice job!
All the best,
EDIT: Sorry - just links, no photos; I did use "link" instead of "image"