
I'm really enjoying this thing. I learn something new everyday. Can anyone explain to me the difference between pre and post ? I have finally got the reverb thing down... but what is the difference if I send it it pre or post?
Pre will send the signal to the effect BEFORE it is controlled by the slider. Post sends the signal AFTER the slider. In other words, when set to Post, the level of the reverb on the channel will vary with the setting of the slider.

I generally set to Pre so the reverb level will not vary if I ride the control a bit to tame a loud part or to enhance a quiet part (when mixing.) I have also used it to mix in just the reverb from a channel, and not the original signal.

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can anyone explain to me what is the difference between post and pre send? especially for reverb?
Anyone have any experience with the punch in and out feature on the DP SD?

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