Repeat function Problem


New Member
Jul 22, 2018
Gear owned
Tascam DP 24
Hi there
I bought the DP-24 (not SD) a few weeks ago,

now I just started to try to use the repeat function after setting the IN and OUt points ( in BAr mode as I want to use it in synchro with my synth MOXF6).
Strange, you can't see the "tics" , only the bar and beats,

I selected BAR 05 and BEAT 01 for IN point, then BAR 09 and BEAT 01 for the OUT point,

So there is a gap between the end and the start of the loop, I can't believe it is not gapless,

I noticed I have only FW (1.12) but I would like to know if this problem has been resolved in more recent FW, I made some research in this forum and noticed 2 topics which mentionned this problem,

so is the problem (the gap with repeat function) resolved in the latest FW (1.18) ?

the release notes dosen't mentionned anything else other than "Operation stability" for the latest.
Just a quick update,

I've updated the DP-24 with the latest FW (1.18) (2018-04-26) and the problem is still there, the repeat function is not gapless as explained above.

I don't understand why this issue is not adressed, a proper looping function seems a very basic feature :(
I did a few tests on different songs. Sometimes there's a slight gap. At other times, no gap. So perhaps the Repeat function isn't really meant to create an uninterrupted loop, but rather to merely restart the song from some predetermined point for rehearsal, overdub, or auto-punch purposes.
Gap/No Gap:
* might/might not depend on where in the beat the start and end points are set and what is going on musically at the start point.

* might/might not depend on whether the repeat starts at the first beat of the first bar, or somewhere else in the song.

* might/might not depend on the preference jump back and preview settings.
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Thanks for bothering Mark,

I made some more tests yesterday to determine the in/out points in "play mode" rather than in "stop" mode, and at some point I did manage to get a gapless loop, but IMO, there should be some option to do that precisely in stop mode :

Mes / Beats AND Ticks...but here you can't see/enter any ticks value !!!
that's too bad.
For me (and probably for others) it would be a good improvement to add this feature.
The repeat feature really wasn't intended as a looper. It was intended as a practice and rehearsal aid. In fact in the 2488 neo, they included a delay feature that would wait up to 9.9s before starting the loop again so the player could get ready for the next round.

Of course they removed that feature from the dp series as well as quite a few others. :-(

yes but would be cool to have a gapless loop, very inspirational tool
Oof, I've spent quite some hours in frustration trying to get my loops right... but so it turns out this is broken by design... Ouch!

That's really a shame, it shouldn't be too complicated to get it to loop gapless right? I mean the pause there is now doesn't make sense either to prepare for the next round (it's a couple hundred miliseconds...)

Is Tascam aware of this desire of gapless repeat? A quick browse on a couple of forums and I've seen quite some people that would very much benefit from this. I agree with alessandro that this can be very inspirational..

Anybody from Tascam reading along? ^^
Thanks for bothering Mark,

I made some more tests yesterday to determine the in/out points in "play mode" rather than in "stop" mode, and at some point I did manage to get a gapless loop, but IMO, there should be some option to do that precisely in stop mode :

Mes / Beats AND Ticks...but here you can't see/enter any ticks value !!!
that's too bad.
For me (and probably for others) it would be a good improvement to add this feature.

What do you mean with Play and Stop mode? I haven't found a way yet to get a gapless 8 bar loop to get creative with...
Oof, I've spent quite some hours in frustration trying to get my loops right... but so it turns out this is broken by design... Ouch!
Why are you guys wasting your time trying to do something the unit wasn't designed to do, when the solution is so simple using the tools the DP-xx does have available, and with so many possibilities?

Here's what I would do:
  • Record 8 bars on a Track
  • Mark the In/Out points
  • Starting at the Out point, Copy/Past as many bars as you care to play along with, up to 99 times (e.g. copying 8 bars 25 times gives you a total of 208 bars to use to get your groove going).
While your getting your groove, record your playing on another track. Perhaps use Auto Punch/Repeat to automatically start/stop the play-along recording. That will fill up to 8 virtual tracks of your playing. Who knows what magic might happen.

When you're done you could Copy/Paste the best magical sections of the various virtual tracks to another empty track, stitching together the perfect take. Now your becoming an audio engineer/producer. Have some fun.:)
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Mark, that is just like the Disco Era, when the recording engineer made a spliced tape loop of the most perfect 4 kick drum beats, and flew that loop in with the live drums. Only with the DP machines, it's ridiculously easy.
What do you mean with Play and Stop mode? I haven't found a way yet to get a gapless 8 bar loop to get creative with...

What is it you're trying to loop to play along with? I put my drum machine on loop and go to town on it. If it's a keyboard part, I MIDI record it on the sequencer and loop that. If you are trying to loop an instrument without automatic playback, then copy/paste as outlined above is perfect for that.
Here's what I would do:
  • Record 8 bars on a Track
  • Mark the In/Out points
  • Starting at the Out point, Copy/Past as many bars as you care to play along with, up to 99 times (e.g. copying 8 bars 25 times gives you a total of 208 bars to use to get your groove going).

Funny, that's what I ended up doing indeed :) A bit disappointed at first, but it's certainly workable. I'd still like to see a gapless loop though, especially for when there's a "unique" (as opposed to repetitive) part of a song where you want to get some practice or just have fun with..

-Mjk-, what do you mean by "If it's a keyboard part, I MIDI record it on the sequencer and loop that."? For context: I use an Akai MPC 1000, with 4 outputs routed to 4 inputs of the Tascam (1: kick, 2:snare 3:hihats 4:toms,cymbals,various), a Novation Bass Station (monophonic synth), a Digital piano, and electric guitar for which I still want to buy a mic to be able to mic the amp instead of direct-in. In Send 2/Return there's a Eventide Space, which gets routed to the last stereo track..

Cheers guys!
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@wouterwouter what I mean is, I'm a lousy keyboard player, lol. I'll use the sequencer and record something really slow, quantize it and then use the MIDI clock in the DP-32 to sync the playback.

You can route the Eventide to the stereo bus so it's available during overdubbing for effects on the 2mix. That's what I do with my TC-Helicon.

You send all the toms, cymbals and other percussion to a single input on the recorder?
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