Remote Layer Stops Working 10 Seconds Into Project Load

cmaffia said:
However I believe my issue is a cubase 7, windows 7 issue specifically which I can reproduce and it appears others can too.

Well, again, especially in Cubase, you don't even need the Remote Layer if you you use the midi ports on the FW card and the back of the console and use the USB cable for MTC (you can even run the MTC from the midi ports in the back!).

Again, that's just me. Maybe I'll do a video again one day..
I understand but It's still a bug and it's how many of us use the dm when we mix ITB.

Yes more videos please :-)
cmaffia said:
I understand but It's still a bug and it's how many of us use the dm when we mix ITB.

Yes more videos please :-)

Ok - more videos - school break is coming up soon. Tell me what you want to see.

BTW - even with my method - you can still mix in the box without the remote layer since you're sending all your channels to outputs 1 & 2.

jamsire said:
cmaffia said:
I understand but It's still a bug and it's how many of us use the dm when we mix ITB.

Yes more videos please :-)

Ok - more videos - school break is coming up soon. Tell me what you want to see.

BTW - even with my method - you can still mix in the box without the remote layer since you're sending all your channels to outputs 1 & 2.


O.K. are you saying that I can configure a User Defined layer that will give me better functionality than the remote layer?
The remote layer is working great with DP 7 and 8.
I'm mixing in a hybrid "in and out" of the box scenario.
I'm linking the faders and other controls in DP to the faders and switches in the DM.
It is working very well.
Let me know how it could be better.
My limited understanding of the board never allowed me to understand the original Jamsire video showing how to map the MIDI in the User Defined Layer. Unless I understood it wrong, it seemed like you needed to map this layer every time you started a new project. For someone who's knowleidge of the DM and their DAW is fluid, this probably is an awesome workflow. I will try reviewing the youtube clip again.

But back on topic. This appears to be an issue introduced with Cubase 7. The cause is unknown and without knowing, Tascam or Steinberg will probably not take notice. I've done the best to rule out my workstation on my own and with Sweetwater and it appars one other user here had done a fresh installation without resolving the same exact problem I have.
cmaffia said:
But back on topic. This appears to be an issue introduced with Cubase 7. The cause is unknown and without knowing, Tascam or Steinberg will probably not take notice. I've done the best to rule out my workstation on my own and with Sweetwater and it appars one other user here had done a fresh installation without resolving the same exact problem I have.

Interesting. I'm quite fine Cubase 6. I wanted to keep using my Jazzmutant Lemur as a transport controller when I had someone playing keyboard near the console. This information will keep me at bay from upgrading to Cubase 7.
Ernie don't let this issue keep you from upgrading to Cubase 7 if that is something you were looking into. The workaround for me and others is to run the TMC utility first and then close it before launching Cubase. Other than that I have zero issues with C7 and the DM3200. My Frontier Tranzport and my Steinberg CC121 transport do not have this issue with C7.... just the DM3200.....
Hey there!!

Honestly - if I were going to upgrade, I would have done it by now. PT11 keeps me busy because of the teaching, but Cubase 6 is fine. I haven't even upgraded to Ableton 9!! My setup - which you are ALWAYS welcomed to come and check out here in Staten Island - is insanely powerful. The only "plugins" I use are the Slate Digital Virtual Console Collection (VCC) and the Virtual Tape Machines (VTM), Komplete 9 and Fxpansion software (sometimes). All EQ's, Dynamics, and Automation come from the board. Even in PT11, I just keep the Edit window open because I can't (yet) manipulate the faders on screen.

Cubase 7 (or 8) can wait. I went from SX3 to Cubase 6!!!
One day I will take you up on your offer and one day when you have time you can stop by for that chicken parm hero and check out my mess since you teach like 3 blocks from my home :-)
cmaffia said:
One day I will take you up on your offer and one day when you have time you can stop by for that chicken parm hero and check out my mess since you teach like 3 blocks from my home :-)

Good idea, Charlie. If I lived in NY, I would've had Ernie out for at LEAST a dinner, and probably a bunch of drunk fests to thank him for all the PT help he gave me two years ago. (Gee - tempus fugit. :o )

And for the record - the offer is STILL open, Mr Jamsire sir. If you ever get out here to sunny NorCal, you know who to call.


Truth be told CaptDan - Charlie and I had tried to meet up, but my schedule was crazy back then. I just want people to use their board with their software and make great music. I will do some follow-up videos soon.
I hope you do, Ernie. The videos you've done are among the very best ever created for the DM. I'm sure your students will agree, you're a great instructor. (And I say this despite the fact I'm still not quite 'User Defined-Enabled.' :) )

I'm very enthused by the commentary here.

Sounds like I'm missing some of the great potential of the DM.
Ernie mentioned that the remote layer was not the best choice for intercommunication between the DM and the DAW.

That is why I believe this is not off topic.
Apologies to the OP if it is.

In my specific case, I'm running Digital Performer 7 and 8 on a Mac in OSX.
I'm using the remote layer to have bi-directional control of faders, pans and other basic functions.
It is working well, but I'm always seeking a better solution.
No need for a video right now… I'm just wanting to know what improvements I could expect if I switched over to the User Defined Layer.

Thanks to all of you guys for keeping this site alive.
Much gratitude/

Happy Thanksgiving
Totally OT :-). Maybe start another thread of this worthy discussion, I've opened a ticket with Steinberg and pointed them to this thread since more people where experiencing the same issue with their DM and Cubase 7.

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