Oh, I have issues!Haha, I'm not positive but I don't think I can trigger the record buttons from the DM and they don't light up when I engage them in PT but but thats not what i'm here for today. I have one more question that maybe concerns Pro Tools but anyone should know this info. I have a couple of laptops that I'm trying to test out with the DM-Firewire-PT to see which may be better suited. Is it sufficient to simply put record on 32 tracks (no signal) and let the laptop run for an hour or do I actually need to be processing information into those 32 tracks to get a proper read? in other words is it more taxing for your computer to be converting analog into 1's and 0's?
Here's my input on it. I used to think that it would take more 'space' on a hardrive to record a video than lets say a letter to your mom.(all being relative) But I believe memory is linear and it would take the same amount of space to record a 3 min song as it would to record a 3 min video, correct??? Another example, it takes the same amount of memory to record a bass guitar playing 1/4 notes as it would recording a whole drum track (on 1 channel) playing 32 notes (many more hits, etc, same length)