Porta05 ministudio blown up?


New Member
Feb 27, 2025
Gear owned
Porta05 ministudio

After fixing the mechanics on a secondhand porta05 with the help of this forum is got it working perfectly.
As i went to make some music everything was fine until i plugged in a synthesizer in channel 4 and the entire unit shut off. Now i wont turn on anymore.

I found out through someone who had a service manual that you aren't supposed to use mono cables, i. E. TS on these inputs, so this was probably the cause.

Now i wonder if there's a fuse i need to exchange, or some other part in the circuit.
Or if i permanently fried the unit.

Also if someone has a service manual pdf, since i dont wanna pay 20 bucks for one online.

Any help will. Be appreciated greatly!!!!
I'mma not one of the smart guyz/tech-y types here.
But it sounds to me like you're on the right track - some sort of blown fuse or blown power-supply problem. And it may have occured coincidental to the plugging in of the synth, leading one to suspect that (though it's hard to imagine that 1/4" TS cables aren't OK to use - isn't that pretty much the "standard" instrument connection to an input?) 🤔 🤷‍♀️
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The service manual for the Tascam Porta05 can be found here: https://tetrakansupermonobloc.home....udio-service-manual-schematics-owners-manual/

Also, there's no problem with using TS cables for your inputs, as they're meant to receive mono signals. The person who gave you that advice was probably misremembering that the owner's manual for the Porta05 is specifically advising against using a mono cable in the *headphone* jack.

Even then, using a mono plug in the headphone jack should simply short out one of the amplifiers, but the rest of the machine should work, so your problem likely lies elsewhere.
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owner's manual for the Porta05 is specifically advising against using a mono cable in the *headphone* jack.

Even then, using a mono plug in the headphone jack should simply short out one of the amplifiers, but the rest of the machine should work, so your problem likely lies elsewhere.
Yuh-huh. Thas’ whut I meant.
My reign as resident Village Idiot continues unchallenged.:LOL:
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Ah thanks, i misread that apparently. Well on the phones jack im using a stereo cable so that wasn't the problem

Which kinda sucks because now i have zero idea what might be, i'll go looking through the schematics for some kinda fuse :) thanks for showing me where to find it!
There's no fuse in the Porta05, but I'd suggest inspecting Q1 on the TR PCB — you'll see it by itself off of the SW PCB in the schematic.
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Thanks, the Q1 resistor seems to have gone bad now that i've tested it, hope that's the whole of the problem.

Now i'mnot very versed in electronics and the transistor is categorized on the datasheet as 2SB89IR. I can't seem to find anything about this specific one, just 2SB89 transistors without the IR.
Does the IR mean anything important i should look out for or could a equivalent transistor to a 2SB89 work as well?

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